chapter 28

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Eirins pov

"Noah, calm down! Now will you tell me what's wrong?"

I hear mumbling on the other line then she speaks up.

"I feel terrible... we did something terrible..."

"Why what is it?"

"I can't hide it anymore! Will you come over?"

Grabbing my shirt, I put on my shoes.

"Yes, I'll come. Text me your address."

"Thank you. See you soon. And I would tell you to bring Eli. You will need someone."

I furrow my eyebrows but sigh an ok.

"See you soon," she says.


God right in the middle of me about to change into pajamas.

I throw a rock at Eli's window, getting his attention as I slip on some pants.

"Woah, El, you don't need to flash."

I give him a confused look, then realize I'm only in my bra.

"Shit, sorry. Hey will you come with me somewhere?"

He looks at his phone, then back at me, "Its 8pm! Where are we going?"

"Noah's now will you come on?" I put on a shirt than slip on shoes.

He nods and I grab my keys.

"Mom! I'll be back, gotta go handle something!" I yell, then close the door, not waiting for a response.

I start my car and drive out of the garage, getting Eli once the garage door opens.

"So, what's going on?"

"I don't know, she just told me to come over and bring you for emotional support."

He looks at me confused and I shrug.

I give Eli my phone to put the address into google maps.

We head to Noah's, me recognizing the house when we pull into their mansion.

"They have a mansion?" Eli looks at me, in awe.

"Yeah, I remember in 8th grade Max gave me a tour of the entire thing through a FaceTime call."

"This is cool."

I nod and park, quickly going to the front door.

I knock and very quickly Noah opens the door.

"Hey! What's wrong?"

"Come inside, are you guys hungry?"

We go into one of their living rooms, taking some cookies and sodas.

"Ok, can you please tell me what's going on?" I kind of beg.

Eli makes himself comfortable, still paying attention to me.

Noah takes a deep breath then looks at me, "We lied."

Confused, I look around, "About what?"

"Max's death."

My heart stops.

What is she saying?

"He is in hiding, but we faked his death."

And just before my eyes, Max walks in the room and stands in front of me.

I feel tears fall from my eyes and look the the bandages on my wrists.

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