chapter 10

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"Shut up, we are just getting food, mom's picking us up soon." A fimiliar male voice asks behind me.

Is that... No.

It can't be.

There is no way.



I turn around, looking at the arguing people behind me.

No way.

"M-Max?" My eyes line with tears.

The tall boy, around 6 foot looks down at me.

His dark brown, almost black hair is cut and longer on top the on the sides.

A slight tan.

Black eyes.


It's Max.

"No way..." he says breathlessly.

"Eirin!" Noah squeals, jumping into me.

I pull them out of line.

Because you know what?

I don't care about food at this moment.

All I care about is this moment.

I hung Noah, giving her the tightest hug ever.

I cry on her shoulder, letting her rub my back soothingly as I cry on them.

It has almost been one month since I talked to them.


I let Noah go, facing Max, tears making their way onto my cheeks.

"Come here, Potato..." He says, opening his arms and letting me embrace his warm body.

I cry into his chest, making his dark blue polo have tears on them.

We stay there, nobody bothering us, no one really caring about my cry session.

My heart clentches in my chest, knowing that I probably won't see them again.

He kisses my head, and I feel his tears coming and soaking my hair, but it doesn't bother me.

"I have missed you, s-so much..." I say.

"We have missed you too, Eirin!" Noah says, joining the hug.

"You remember a couple years back, that one day after we meet I was gonna go through with my plan?" Max says, looking down at me.

I break the hug and look back at him.

The memory comes back into my brain.

"No.." I silently beg.

"I can't take it anymore, potato."

"Please don't.." I plead.

"I'm sorry."


"What's going on?" Noah says behind me.

"Nothing, will you go order my usual?" Max tells her. She nods, getting back in line.

"I don't w-want you to..." I say.

"I know...but I've promised that I would meet you. And I have fulfilled that promise."

I shake my head, not wanting to process what he was saying.

"I love you, potato." He says, kissing my head then getting back in line.

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