chapter 17

16 1 0

Eirin's Pov

"Pizza!!!" Sydni yells, walking into the house.

The strong smell of pizza topping filled the house wonderfully.

Sydni and Margo bought about five pizzas just for us because they know the boys will eat three on their own.

Eli and I come into the kitchen from the living room and sit on the island.

"Were you two good?" Margo asks.

I laugh and nod, "I won't graffiti the house again."

Eli gives me a surprised look and I laugh into my hands.

"When is the gang getting here?" I ask, sobering up.

"In about ten minutes," Sydni looks at the time.

I nod and jump out of my seat.

"Eli, stand up."

He looks at me with a confused look.

"Just do it."

He stands up and waits there for a minute.

I laugh and he just gives me a confused look.

"I'm sorry I'm going now."

Before he can say anything I go behind him and jump on his back.

"Piggyback ride!" I yell.

His arms hold up my legs and he laughs, "You are such a child. How many times have you done this to me since we met?"

"Ummm a billion?"


We laugh and Syd and Margo are just laughing.

We here the front door open and then go to face it.

Alec walks in and just raises his eyebrows, "I'm not gonna ask."

I laugh and get off of Eli.

"Heyyyy!" I hug Alec, taking in his embrace.

"How are you, El?" He hugs me back.

"I'm... better." I lie.

"You sure?" He let's go of me.

I nod and give him a reassuring smile.

"It's nice to see you, babe." He states.

Eli has a protective persona on and stands next to me.

"Alec! This is my best friend, Eli. Eli, this is Alec."

They shake hands and give death stares.


I swear.

"So, where is everyone? Didn't they ride with you?" Sydni asks Alec.

"Nah, they all decided to show up at random times so who knows when they'll be here."

Sydni and Margo both hit their heads on the counters dramatically like all their lives have been shattered.

"I bought so much food for it to sit out and get cold." Margo states.

"They said they won't be long after me so you'll live," Alec says.

Eli picks me up and throws me onto his shoulder.

"Eli! Stop!" I laugh.

"Stop what?" He remarks.

"Put me down, Elija Alexander!"

He chuckles and sets me down, "Sorry, Angel. It's fun to mess with you."

I smack his arm, "You asshole."

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