Hiccup meets Marvin

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The academy

Suddenly Hiccup's mum come's running in to the arena shooting lewdly. "Hiccup, Hiccup!" Hiccup tarns around & looks at his mum "What is it mum?" He asks, Volka puts her hand on his shoulder & looks at him. "Six bouts close to Berk, firing at us & coming in fast" Then Hiccup puts his hands on his mum's shoulder's. "Mum don't worry me & Toothless will go & see what these people want" Volka looks at him with worry. "Ok son but be careful"

Then Astrid looks at him & gives him a stern look then he terns round & looks nervously at her while lathing nervously with a stuttering voice & says with a nervous smile. "Hay Astrid" Then she says strongly to him. "If you're going I'm coming too Hiccup!" "Me Too" says Snotlowt. "& us" Says the twins. "& me too" Says Fishlegs.

Then Hiccup starts saying. "But guys it's" Then Astrid puts her finger on his lips & stops him in mid-sentence & he looks at her nervously while she says lovingly. "If you say it's too dangerous Hiccup I'll lock you up & I'll go by myself understand me?" Hiccup looks at her & nods his head in a muffling voice. "HI, Hi" 

Astrid removes her finger from his lips, looks at him & says to him. "Hiccup...do you really think we'll let you go alone in to danger?" He looks at her then everyone ells slowly then he drops his head. "No as always you're right" She smiles. "Exactly Hiccup & I'm not letting anything happen to my fiance" Then Hiccup, Astrid & their friends all get on their dragons & fly off towards the ships.

Marvin's ship

When they get to the ships they look for the main one, as they fly over the ships all of the men on the ships look up in shook & surprise & see them on the dragons why saying lewdly. "Captain look up their!" The captain looks up & sees the dragons & says lewdly. "What in the name of Odin!" Then Hiccup, Astrid & their friends all land on the main ship jump of their dragons & stand up straight.

The captain looks angrily & surprisingly at them all & asks lewdly. "Who are you lot!?" & Hiccup looks at the captain stonily & firmly & says firmly & lewdly. "I am Hiccup chef of Berk son of Stoic the vast & who are you?" Then with a lewd lath the captain says. "Really...you're the son of Stoic the vast? Poor Stoic" 

Hiccup looks at him with anions & says firmly. "Yes I am...& as I asked before who are you!?" "Oh I'm sorry...I'm Marvin the Murderous" Marvin says sarcastically, Hiccup keeps looking at Marvin stonily & firmly. 

"& what do you want with Berk?" Marvin looks curiously at Hiccup & says. "Come-on shale you're farther has mentioned me" Hiccup crosses his arms & shakes his head while still looking at Marvin stonily & firmly. "No he's never mentioned you one's" Marvin looks at Hiccup in surprise. "What...nothing about me nothing about Marvin the Murderous" 

Hiccup looks at Marvin in anions & says angrily. "No! Now you & you're men leave here or we & are dragons will have to!" The twins interrupt Hiccup suddenly & shot lowed. "Bern all you're ships!" Hiccup looks at the twins, rubs his head & shakes his head then says to them in a lewd annoyed voice. "No! You two we are not going to burn anything!" The twins look annoyingly at him & Tuffnut says. "Oh Hiccup whats the fun in that?" Then Ruffnut says. "Yeah...you are such a fun spoiler Hiccup" Then Hiccup still annoyed says lewdly. "Maybe I am but I'm sensible when I have to be!"

Hiccup looks back at Marvin the Murderous angrily & continued with what he was saying firmly. "As I was saying...leave here or we & are dragons will have to yous for's!" Marvin looks at him while loathing & says. "Really? what's a lanky one legged chef & his little friends going to do?" Hiccup looks at Marvin angrily & firmly & says. "I might be fin & I might have one leg but me & my friends can be big trouble!"

 Astrid looks seriously at Marvin with a smile & gestures at Hiccup & says seriously. "I would liaison to him if I war you" Hiccup & Astrid look at etch other, smile & lath silently. "Really...well nobody can defeat me!" Hiccup looks at Marvin & smiles with a lathing smirk & says lewdly. "Well that's going to change...right guys!" & they all say lewdly. "You bet Hiccup!"

Astrid looks at Hiccup & smiles at him then looks back at Marvin with a serious smirk & says. "Oh yes we can be big trouble especially Hiccup...he may not look it but he can be very, very big trouble...he has even defeated a Scrill, a Ice spiter & the Red death" Marvin looks at Hiccup curiously & says while lathing. "Really...shore he has!"  

Hiccup smirk's at Marvin with a I wound you stare & says. "Fine I wound you, everyone lets show him how much trouble we can be!" The gang, Hiccup & their dragons fly up then Astrid lewdly shoats. "Stormfly tale spikes!" Then Marvin just manages to duke out of the way of the spikes & then Hiccup lewdly shoats. " Toothless tale wake!" Then Marvin gets hit in the face hard what makes him fall over. 

Then Snotlowt lewdly shoats. "Hookfang flam up!" All the men jump back & the twins say lewdly with happiness on their faces. "Barth, Belch gas & spark!" & flames go straight at the men, then Fishlegs & Metlug fly up, Fishlegs takes some small ricks out of his pocket & gives them to Metlug who spews  lava all over Marvin & the men then Marvin says lewdly & angrily. "What? Hay, hay stop it!"

So Hiccup land back down & gets off Toothless, looks at Marvin with a glad smirk & says sarcastically with his hand crossed. "You where saying" Marvin looks at Hiccup in shook, surprise & curiosity then angrily says. "Right...we'll go but bet on it...we'll be back!" Hiccup smiles & puts his hands on his hips & says happily, lewdly & firmly with Toothless growling at Marvin & his men. "I'm sour you will Marvin i'm sour you will...& we'll be ready" Then Hiccup, Astrid & the gang fly up as Marvin & sale away.

In the village 

Hiccup smiles & says happily. "Everyone let's go home!" When they all get back they all go & find Valka & Gobber but before they look for them Hiccup splits everyone into two gropes & says lewdly. "Fishlegs, Snotlowt, Tuffnut, Ruffnut you all go & try to find Gobber" Hiccup looks at everyone then at Astrid & says. "Astrid you come with me & we'll go & get my mum" & then he says to everyone. "Then will all meat back at the great hall as soon as we can" Hiccup & Astrid hold hands then they put their arms around etch over's west's tightly & go to find Valka.

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