The twins coursing trouble

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In the village

The next day Hiccup leaves quietly with Toothless so not to wake Astrid, once they are outside Hiccup grabs sum fish & gives it to Toothless then Hiccup gets on Toothless & seas. "Let's go bud" & they fly off to the arena where they find Fishlegs with Metlarg. 

"Hi Fishlegs" Hiccup says exhaustedly Fishlegs looks at him. "Oh hi chef how are you?" asks Fishlegs, sleepily Hiccup seas why yearning."I'm fine (yearn) but Astrid is very tired all the time what makes it hard (yearn)" Then Hiccup stretches & rubs his eyes. "Oh I can see that on you very well, you look tired & exhausted" Fishlegs says. 

Then why yearning again Hiccup says. "Yes Fishlegs I am, (yearn) Astrid is so tired all the time every time I come home after a day of chefing & (yearn) She's asleep so I have to sort everything out & cook our dinner myself" 

Fishlegs looks at Hiccup worryingly & says worryingly. "Hiccup you do know that if you ever need help you can ask me don't you?" Sleepily & still yearning Hiccup says. "Thanks Fishlegs, (yearn) Well I better get going bye, (yearn) come on Toothless let's go" "Bye Hiccup" 

Later that day Hiccup finds the twins playing pranks on the fishermen what makes it hard for them to cache some fish so he sorts it out, he lands & says to the twins sleepily & seriously why still yearning. "Tuff, Ruff please stop playing pranks on the fishermen (yearn) we need the fish & I mean a lot, (yearn) with the dragon's & for are food store haws, so please stop! (yearn)" 

The twin's look at Hiccup anode & they say. "Oh fine but we don't like it" Then he & Toothless fly off & 2 minutes latter he caches them playing pranks on the sheep what scares them so he sorts that out so he lands again & says to the twins sleepily & seriously why still yearning. "Tuff, Ruff what did I tell you?" "You told us to stop playing pranks on the fishermen"Says Ruffnut. "Yeah so we fort we world play pranks on the sheep" Says Tuffnut.    

Hiccup shakes his head in stress & says stressed, sleepily & seriously. "Yes but when I said playing pranks on the fishermen, (yearn) I meant stop playing pranks on everyone, (yearn) I've already got enough to deal with ok so please will you stop playing pranks on everyone, (yearn)" "What! Oh Hiccup you're so barring, fine we won't have fun" The twins say.

Then Hiccup & Toothless fly off yet again to sort out an argument with Gobber & Spitelout, then 4 minutes later he catches the twins again playing pranks this time on bucket he lands again & sorts that out. 

The Haddock house

That evening he is speeding home with Toothless from the other side of the island, he knows Astrid will be at home I mean...where else would she go while being eight months pregnant? Toothless lands in front of the house & he goes in eager to see his wife.

When inside Hiccup looks at Toothless & says sleepily & exhausted. "Come on bud lets go & find something to eat (yearn)" Nowadays, he hardly sees Astrid to much because she didn't come out of the house because Gothy had said that Astrid needed to stay indoors for the last month or two just so she wouldn't hurt herself or the baby.

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