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The Haddock house

A month later Hiccup is better & back chefing & helping with Dustin, later when Hiccup & Toothless come home Hiccup walks in happily with Toothless behind him & says lovingly & happily. "I'm home, My-lady" Then Astrid walks out of the back room, smiles, walks up to him & gives him a big hug.

"Hay babe, how are you doing?" She says flirtatiously then he smiles, places his hand on her soft belly & rubs it gently then says lovingly "So how's are little one doing?" Then he nuzzles his nose against her nose & she smiles. "It's doing okay I guess? How was your day love?" He smiles at her with a cheeky grin. "Good, Nothing new happened, but you'll like this" "What babe, what?" "I'm coming home earlier tomorrow" "Rally? That will be great babe"

He then puts his arm around her & they smile& look at Toothless & Dustin playing & having fun in the corner of the room, happily & lovingly he says to her. "Imagine are little Dustin will have a little brother or sister within five months & he'll be a big brother & he's not even one yet, but on second throat it might be two" She then looks at him & says fast. "Hiccup don't you even jock about that"    

He then smiles at her with a cheeky grin & says flirtatiously while giggling. "Ok, ok I'm sorry, but Astrid I love you" Then Dustin giggles In the corner with Toothless.

In the corner of their eyes Hiccup & Astrid see little Dustin swinging around a small blanket in his hands then Hiccup looks at him & laughs & Dustin looks at his Farther & laughs, then Hiccup says happily. "There's my little boy"

he lets go of Astrid & slowly walk's over to Dustin & lifts him of the ground in to his arms, then he says sweetly. "Hay little one, have you been a good boy?" Dustin laughs childishly with the same cheeky grain as his daddy & starts biting at the corner of his blanket.    

Then he walks back to Astrid why holding Dustin in his arm, after Toothless comes over & licks his hand gently, then Dustin looks at his daddy & giggles & at the same time Astrid places her hand on Toothless head & starts to scratch him behind his ear, Dustin suddenly hiccups & Hiccup looks at him, smiles & says sweetly. "Oh you got little hiccup's, don't worry daddy get rid of them" 

Then he tickles Dustin's belly & Dustin giggles & Hiccup says sweetly. "Their no more hiccup's" After a will it starts to get dark & Dustin starts falling asleep in Toothless front paws who is sleeping too so Astrid walks up to them & picks him up without waking Toothless & says sweetly & lovingly. "Oh Hiccup look at him, he's so sweet isn't he" "Yes, yes he is so sweet, he's also very tired look he's yearning"    

Then they take Dustin & puts him to bed, Dustin's blue eyes slowly shut & Astrid smiles placing him down in the crib & a few moments after her hands leave him he starts whining then he grabs his dragon & settles down & Astrid looks at him & smiles lovingly, then he says happily & lovingly. "You know what Astrid, we're the luckiest parents in the world"    

Both of them with their arms around etch over look at him with love, Hiccup then looks at his wife & places a kiss on her cheek then she grabs one of his hands & rubs her thumbs over his palm full of faded scars then smiles at him & says lovingly. "I love you, babe" Then he sighs & pulls her tightly against him. "I love you too mi-lady" 

Then suddenly they hear a muffling voice from Dustin going "D, d, d, d..." So they turn their heads towards him & almost jump when he says it again. "D, d, d, d..." She then looks at Hiccup then back at Dustin & says excitedly. "I think he's trying to say his first word" Then Dustin says. "D, d, dwagon" 

Then there expressions go from happy to completely unfazed, Toothless trots into the room & walks over to the crib then he nuzzles Dustin's belly & Dustin laughs childishly & seas again."D, d, dwagon" Then Hiccup & Astrid look at etch over in shock then they get Dustin back to sleep & the two of them go back in to their room & Toothless follows them.

Then she says happily. "Well that was a surprise...wasn't it Hiccup?" "Yes sorta dear, but wean you think about's not surprising, I mean with all these Dragons around plus his little dragon" "I gees babe"    

Hiccup & Astrid then sit on the bed & he raps his arms around her & kisses her then as he kisses her softly she places one off her hands on his cheek & the other slides back & forth fro his hair then he pushes her gently flat down on the bed, lays besieged her & they fall asleep, her with her head agent his & him with one arm raped around her pulling her closer to him with one hand laying on her stomach like he was protecting her & the baby.    

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