everyone meets the baby

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The Haddock house

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The Haddock house

The next day when they wake up Toothless is sitting right beside them looking at what was in Astrid's arms. "Morning Toothless how are you?" the both of them say, Toothless just keeps looking at Astrid's arms & ground's curiously with his head tilted to the side why thinking to himself (What is that little thing in Astrid's arms?)    

Hiccup & Astrid smile & Hiccup says. "Toothless, we've got someone for you to meet but be very careful ok" Astrid gentle holds baby Dustin out to Toothless who grounds & tilts his head curiously, baby Dustin moans & settles again then Dustin giggles as he looks up at Toothless with a little grin & places his tine hands on Toothless nose.

Then Toothless grunts & jumps on Hiccup & licks his face in joy, then Hiccup falls down on the floor, lathes & says happily while giggling. "Ok, Toothless ok I'm glad too now let me up, let me up" Toothless finale lets him getup then Hiccup & he stands up & goes back to Astrid rubbing his face.

Astrid lathes while looking at him with love& says while giggling. "You're a bit drolly their aren't you Hiccup?" He looks at her with a smile. "Yes just a bit...thanks for that Toothless" He says with a smile as he sits on the char & looks at Dustin with a smile.

"So how is are little boy" Then Dustin starts crying & she looks at Hiccup & asks. "What do you think he wants Hiccup?" He thinks for a moment & looks at her, looks at Dustin then he suddenly gets an idea & says happily. "Hay, maybe this might work" "What might work Hiccup?" She asks. "Just wait I'll be just a second dear" 

Hiccup gets up & go's fro his old baby things& seas to himself out lewd. "Come on where is it? No, no come on, Ha, ha, there it is, good" Then he terns & walks back to Astrid &sits down then she looks at him with a smile & asks happily "What have you got their Hiccup?" "Something I think my stop little Dustin hear crying" 

Hiccup slowly puts his own little cuddle dragon with Dustin & like magic Dustin instantly stops crying & giggles while hugging the dragon, Astrid smiles, looks at Hiccup with love & seas happily. "Wow, how did you know that world work Hiccup?" "I didn't dear, I just fort it worked with me when I was a baby, maybe it word work with him to" Then he smiles.  

Later that day all of their friends, Gobber & Snotlowt's dad come to see Hiccup, Astrid & their baby, Volka comes in with Gobber who smiles & looks at baby Dustin.

"Oh his so cute, he looks just like you did Hiccup when you were a baby" Gobber says. "Yes he dose I agree...except the eyes he has his mum's eyes" Says Volka then she suddenly spots the little dragon & asks. "Hiccup is that you're dragon?" Hiccup looks at his mum & smiles & says."Yes mum, he was crying so I gave him it & he stopped crying" 

Looking at him Volka smiles, giggles &says. "Hiccup, you know when you where little we couldn't go anywhere without that dragon" Hiccup looks at his mum with a smile & says with a smile. "Riley mum, Why?"    

"If we tried to take that dragon away from you to feed you or wash you or dress you or anything you world bust in to tears" Then he looks at his mum blushing brat red in embarrassment & Astrid looks at him lathing & smiling. 

"Did I rally mum?" "Yes all the time & you wooden stop until you had it back" Volka says while giggling, then Gobber looks at him smiles, giggles & says. "So what are you calling him?" "Dustin, Dustin Stoic Haddock" Hiccup says with a smile. 

"Hmm, Dustin, Dustin Stoic Haddock, year that sown's good" Seas Gobber. "I think it's a lovely name son & using your father's name to, it's so sweet" Hiccup smiles & seas. "Thanks mum but Dustin was Astrid's idea & I liked it, then we fort of Stoic as a middle name in owner of my farther" 

Suddenly the whole gang comes over to say hello& see the baby, Snotlowt looks at the baby & smiles then says happily with a smile. "Yes he looks like his farther aright" 

"His so cute...oh Hiccup, Astrid his so sweet what's his name?" Fishlegs asks, Hiccup raps his arm around Astrid's shoulders then they both smile at all their friends & Astrid says happily. "Dustin, Dustin Stoic Haddock" "Dustin's a great name" Says Tuffnut. "Yes a great name" Says Rufnut, then Hiccup & Astrid look at the twins &lathe & he says happily. "Yes thank you Tuff, Ruff we think so too"    

Then Snotlowt's dad comes in & pats Hiccup on the back & says happily. "So Hiccup you're a father now" "Um yes I gears" Says Hiccup, then Spitelout happily says. "I'm shore you're father world be very prude...you've got the village fixed, got marred & had a child all in one year" "Yeah, Well thanks" Hiccup says embarrassingly.    

then Spitelout pats Hiccup on the back again& seas happily. "Oh year, so what name have you two given this little sonny?"Happily Astrid seas. "We have named him Dustin,Dustin Stoic Haddock, after Hiccups farther" Then Spitelout smiles &seas happily. "That's nice you're farther wood be very happy"As the evening comes everyone laves, & Volka comes in with a smile on her face& looks at Hiccup, Astrid & Dustin.    

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