Dustin's crying

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The great hall

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The great hall

In the next few day's things got harder Dustin starts crying all the time & he hardly sleeps, Astrid takes a walk in the village with Dustin in a sling around her shoulder to go & see Gobber & Hiccup at the great hall.

When they get there she walks in & sees Hiccup then says softly to Dustin. "Look Dustin it's your daddy" Suddenly Hiccup sees them & smiles at them then goes over to them & says happily. "Hi sweaty what are you doing here?" Then he hugs her & kisses Dustin's forehead, then she seas sweetly. "I just wanted to see you Hiccup, & I throat maybe Dustin mite stop crying if he got some fresh air but he won't stop"Hiccup puts his hand on Astrid's shoulder, gives her a kiss on her check then looks at Dustin & ruffles his hear why saying. "What have you been doing to mummy? you little thing you?"

Then Dustin look's up & giggles at his farther then he grabs his hear & pulls at it. "Ow!" Hiccup says In pain with a little giggle then Dustin giggles as he pulls at Hiccup's hear again, then Hiccup rubs his head with pain & Astrid says sweetly. "Oh are you ok Hiccup did Dustin hart you?" "I'm ok sweaty It only harts a bit,ha, ha wow he's got a strong grip" 

"Yes just like his daddy" She says with a smile & a giggle, then he smiles at her in surprise & says lovingly. "What! Do I have a string grip?" & with a giggle she says. "Oh, yes you do Hiccup...you always have had a strong grip on me wean ever you hold me or hug me you always have even wean we were 15" 

Hiccup blushes in front of Gobber, Mr Urganson,Snotlowt & Fishlegs. "You're going a bit red their Hiccup" Says Gobber with a smirk, then Gobber, Spitelout,Snotlowt & Fishlegs smile at Hiccup, Astrid & Dustin with a little lathe, Astrid smiles & seas. "I think I better go Hiccup, I have to try & get Dustin to take a nap" lovingly Hiccup says. "Ok sweaty I'll see you latter ok, & you little feller behave yourself for mummy or you'll get a wet belly" Then he gives Astrid a soft kiss on her lip's& she takes Dustin home to put him to bed.  


Jarring the hole time they war out little Dustin did not stop crying because she had left his dragon at home in here tired stat,he had not slept all day, the sun stands high in the sky it is probably an hour passed noon, Astrid smiles & greets everybody as she walks home with a still crying Dustin.   

When they get home Volka greets her just before she walks in the house & says happily while sitting on top of Cloud jumper & smiling. "Good afternoon Astrid, how's Dustin doing?" Exhaustedly Astrid says. "He's doing fine, he's just very tired & won't stop crying, he hasn't slept all day& I left his dragon at home so he has been crying nonstop" 

Volka giggles & seas. "Sounds like Hiccup when he was a baby" "What do you mean?" Asks Astrid. "I mean Hiccup world never stop crying if he didn't have his dragon, there was one week the dragon went missing & he didn't stop crying all week even at night" Astrid smiles & says while giggling.

"Rally?" Volka continues. "Yes,only wean we found the dragon & gave it to him did he finale stop crying & go to sleep, but then he suddenly got terrified of dragons when I was kidnapped & fro his dragon over the bout when Stoic went out with him one day well that's what Stoic told me" "Thanks for the talk Volka, I'm going to put Dustin to bed, I'll see you, bye"    

The Haddock house

Astrid walks in & puts Dustin in his cradle,finds his dragon, gives it to him, sits down on the chair beside the cradle, sings softly to him & he finale falls to sleep, Astrid smiles, yarns & leans back in Hiccup's chair as she falls to sleep herself with her head facing down.   

Not long after Astrid falls asleep Hiccup comes home with Toothless & smiles when he notices his wife sleeping on his chair, & he sighs then he walk's over to Astrid, holds her hand & prices her hand away from the cradle, then slides his arms around her & he picks her up & cares her up steers to bed then pleases her on the bed then he takes of any things that world make her uncomfortable.

"Now let's see what would make my lady uncomfortable? Oh yes" He takes her boots, armor, fur hood, spiky skirt & shoulder pads of then he looks at her & thinking to himself he says to himself. "Wow, she's so prate how did I get so lucky?" Then he smiles & grabs a blanket & pulls it over her,after he leans down & presses his lips against her forehead for a second,then pulls away looking at her, then turns around & walks downstairs to baby Dustin.

Ones downstairs he goes & gets the extra milk & two small bottles, as he looks fro the cuboids he softly & quietly says. "Rite where are they? Air here the bottles are, there got two bottles now where is the milk? There it is" Then after he finds the bottles & the milk he maces up Dustin's bottles, they keep the house full of small bottles & milk just in case Astrid was asleep or out & couldn't feed Dustin when he was hungry.

Just as he grabs two bottles of milk he hears a small whining then placing down the bottles of milk he rushes over to the cradle & pikes up Dustin & smiles at him then says happily. "How could I ever get so lucky? I have got the most beautiful girl in Berk to love me enough to marry me, I have got a beautiful baby boy & I have got back my mother who has been considered dead for years"

He smiles when suddenly the door opens &Toothless peeks in, Hiccup looks at him, smiles then says why giggling. "Hi bud, come here" Then he stretches out his hand, Toothless smiles & slowly walks in noticing the baby in Hiccup's arms then suddenly Dustin starts crying again so Hiccup grabs a bottle, sits down on his chair & holds it to Toothless. "Toothless can you worm it up?" Toothless blues fire at it what worms the bottle. "Thanks bud" Then Hiccup feeds Dustin & Dustin stops crying, & Hiccup sighs & says with relief. "There his quite"

Then Toothless sits down & lays his head down in Hiccup's lap, Hiccup places his hand on Toothless head & strokes him as he feeds Dustin, suddenly Volka comes in, sees him with Toothless& Dustin, walks up to them & says happily. "Hi son where's Astrid?" He looks & smiles at his mother & says happily. "She's upstairs sleeping, I came in earlier & she was asleep so I carried her up stairs & let her sleep, she's tired after staying up all night & walking around to visit Gobber & me with Dustin crying all the time"

Then he strokes Dustin's cheek who is now asleep, He pleases Dustin in the cradle puts a block of ice on his head & looks at his mother, smiles & asks. "Wold you like a drink mum?" "No thinks son but thanks for asking" Says Volka sweetly,

"Ok mum, haws the book of dragons going?" He asks, "Very well, & how was your day Hiccup?"He smiles & sighs then seas in a stressed voice. "Very hard, I had a head ace wean I got home & I have a bigger head ace now" "Oh son, what happened?" "Well mum the twins set sum sheep on fire again, we found sum more dragon root so I had to stop a dragon fight & get rid of the dragon root, Perform a marriage & a welcoming of a child then I had to sort out an argument between Snotlowt & Fishlegs"

"Oh, I can see why you need a block of ice, I think I'll go ok Hiccup" "Ok mum bye" Suddenly Dustin wakes up & starts crying again so Hiccup continuous feeding him then he hears a knock at the doer.

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