Astrid's distress

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4 month later at 8 months Astrid is much bigger & dues not fly so match at the moment, so wean he gets time Hiccup takes Stormfly out for a flit over the water so she does not get lonely & ignored, when he gets home he goes up stars to his & Astrid's bedroom, he walks in & Toothless stands up with a growl thinking that Hiccup is a bad person, so Hiccup says softly to calm Toothless. "Toothless don't worry it's just me bud"

When Toothless sees that it is Hiccup he licks Hiccup's face then Hiccup smiles at Toothless, pats his head, hugs him & says happily. "Hello Toothless, have you been good today looking after Astrid? Here I got something for you" When he hears this Toothless smiles his gummy smile & Hiccup gives him a basket of fish then Toothless jumps & starts eating happily, Hiccup smiles & says with a soft loath. "Yeah you enjoy you're self bud you deserve it" 

Then he yarns & continues with what he's saying. "I think I better go to bed & go to sleep too, well good night bud" Hiccup takes his armour of, gets in bed & hugs his wife, who is asleep she curls in to his chest & he falls to sleep as well, at the same time Toothless goes to his bed & goes to sleep.

 In the morning the next day Astrid is stressed. "Oh Hiccup" She says in a fed up voice, Hiccup comes in to the room & says happily. "Yes sweaty" "My clothes aren't even fitting me anymore" Astrid says in a fed up voice, Hiccup chuckles silently & looks at his wife who is standing in their room in her underwear trying to find something to were, since she had got pregnant her clothes had started shrinking & now she could only wear her robs & night gowns. 

"Oh I hate this" She says sadly, he walks up to his wife & wraps his arms around her, placing one hand on her belly & the over hand sliding fro her hear with a smile, then places his head on her shoulder & kisses her cheek then he raps his arm around Astrid's chest & says flirtatiously. "Don't worry you look lovely as you are"     

Astrid tarns her head slightly so she can just see him & smiles, as she looks at him lovingly with a smile & giggle. "I think you look lovely, I mean, you still look as gorgeous as you did when you weren't pregnant as you always do, nothing can stop you looking gorgeous" He says flirtatiously, She giggles & places her hands on his hand that is on her belly wart is quite big at eight months & it is still growing she slowly moves his hand & guides it around her belly, with a giggly voice she says. "Oh Hiccup you're so sweet"    

He smiles & pulls away from her & walks around her, before hugging her from the side then pressing his hand on her stomach he looks at her, smiling lovingly at her then he whispers flirtatiously & sweetly in her ear. "You're so very beautiful Astrid like always, & so tuff what made the chase for you so much fun" 

She leans her head against his shoulder, hug's him, smiles lovingly at him & says flirtatiously to him & lovingly. "I love you babe" He smiles sweetly. "& I love you to mi-lady" He replies flirtatiously, he strokes & slides his hand fro her soft blond hair then she grabs one of his hands, holds it tightly & says worryingly. "Hiccup" "Yes sweaty" "I'm scared" He looks at her worryingly. "Off what?" He asks worryingly. "That I want be a good mother" He smiles at her & gives her a loving look & says sweetly. "Don't be ridicules you'll be a great mother, infect you'll be the best" 

Than later that evening Hiccup & Astrid both go to bed & go to sleep Hiccup with one arm raped around Astrid & the other one over her belly like he's protecting her & the baby, then In her sleep she says. "Mmm, Oh Hiccup you're so worm" Then she go's back in to a deep sleep.

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