The last night before he leaves

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Haddock house

Now four months has past, Hiccup comes home one day & walks in, Astrid looks up at him as he walks in & she sees he is exhausted then worryingly she asks him lovingly. "Hiccup is something rung?" She slides her hand fro his hear & he looks at her & says lovingly & sadly. "No not rally but" "But what babe?" She says, Hiccup slides his hands fro her hear & looks at her lovingly.

The he says sadly. "Astrid I need to go away for a few days" "Why babe?" "For a meeting of the chefs" He holds her face & looks at her lovingly then she looks at him sadly & sweetly & says sadly. "Oh ok...but you want begone to long will you?" & then she sighs & he says. "No dear just a few days" "Ok, but Hiccup, be safe pleas babe"

He hugs her & strokes her hair then says. "Don't worry I'll have Toothless with me, you know how safe I am with him" "Yes I do" She says lovingly & sadly, sh looks at Toothless then says to him softly. "Toothless come here pleas"Toothless walks over to her & looks at her with his gummy smile, she kneels down, puts her hands on Toothless face & looks at him sweetly & says. "Toothless you look after Hiccup ok" Toothless grunts & licks her face as she laugh's & Hiccup smiles.

She stands up & looks at him then she smiles & asks him. "So Hiccup when do you have to leave?" "Tomorrow" He says, she looks at him & her face drops sadly. "Oh ok." She says sadly then she sighs & hugs him then says softly, flirty & lovingly. "Hiccup?"He looks at her & says himself. "Yes sweaty" Then she looks & smiles at him flirtatiously while braiding his hear then he smiles, giggles & keeps his eyes fixed on her.

Then she smiles at him & says softly & flirtatiously. "If your leaving tomorrow why don't we have some fun tonight" He smiles at her with a very cheeky grin, grabs her tightly, holds her close to himself & lifts his eye bros up & down at her flirtatiously. "I think that's a wonderful idea infect I think it's a great idea" He says flirtatiously, he grabs her tighter around her waist & clasps her closer to him then gives her a big wet kiss on her lips & his hands start rooming.

In surprise he squeezes her behind & she jumps with a lowed giggle then she says happily & surprisingly. "Oh Hiccup behave yourself naughty" Hiccup smiles & lets her behind go but keeps hold of her waste then says flirtatiously with a giggle. "Now you go up steers& I'll be there in a moment sweaty" Hiccup go's to wash his face then he go's up steers to Astrid & kisses her & hugs her & lots more for the rest of the night.   

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