Hiccup's night of panic

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The Haddock house

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The Haddock house

When they get to his home he sits down & she makes him something to eat, then tears start coming from his eye's & he starts muttering to himself softly & sadly. "It's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault I shod not of left her...now my four month pregnant wife & unborn child are in danger" Then he sighs. "Or Hiccup what have you done, what have you done?" Then he stands up & walks around the room in worry.

his mother looks at him then walks up to him & places her hands on his face & seas. "Hiccup everything is going to be fine stop worrying so much" "But mum she's four month pregnant" Volka shakes her head & smiles at Hiccup then with mother love seas. "Stop worrying, here sit down & eat this then go up to bed you need to sleep" "Thanks mum" 

"You know something son?You're just like you're farther in this sitchawason" He looks up in surprise & says surprisingly "Rally mum" She giggles & smiles at him then says. "Oh yes you're farther always worried & panicked to-much abbot his family" She takes his empty plate & he goes to bed with Toothless following him.

That night he hardly sleeps he just lays their worrying finally falling to sleep in the middle of the night, then he has a nightmare about Astrid & in his sleep he shouts lewdly in fright. "Astrid no, no!" Then he jumps awake in fright, worry & panic then Toothless awakes suddenly wean Hiccup screams.

Toothless stands up walks to him & nuzzles the side of Hiccup's face to comfort him why Hiccup is still laying there in shook & while still in panic he looks at Toothless & says. "Oh thank you bud" Then he sits up & Toothless looks up at him with his pitying eyes, Hiccup scratches Toothless behind his ear. 

"Oh Toothless what am I going to do? Hay bud shall we go out for a late night flit?" Hiccup gets on Toothless & they go for a flit to think then they go to the docks & sit on the side of the docks.

The docks  

He looks at the stars & thinks about Astrid. "Oh Toothless aren't the stars beautiful? Just like Astrid I hope she's ok" He says then him & Toothless both fall asleep on the docks.

 in the morning Hiccup gets woken up by his friends he looks up & sees Fishlegs who says softly. "Hiccup, Hiccup wake up" Sleepily Hiccup says quietly. "What, what? Oh" "Thank Thor, Hiccup what happened, have you & Toothless been here all night?" Seas Fishlegs, Hiccup looks at Fishlegs then sees Snotlowt, Tuffnut & Ruffnut all staring at him & Toothless then he answers sleepily. "Well sins 12 o clock last night"

Fishlegs puts his hand on Hiccup's shoulder & shakes his head then says worriedly. "Oh Hiccup, that was very dangerous you shouldn't have done that" Volka comes running over asking worriedly & lewdly if any of them had seen Hiccup then Snotlowt says lewdly. "Yes he's right here he has been here sins 12 o clock last night!"    

Volka knells down, puts her hands around Hiccup. Oh son don't ever scare  me like that again" "Sorry mum but I had a nightmare about Astrid she was screaming I cornet sleep after that so we went for a flit & fell asleep here" "Oh son I'm sorry but you scared me" 

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