The kidnapping

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At the docks 

The next day they are at the docks with Gobber, Volka & their friends, Hiccup looks at all of his friends seriously &seas. "Fishlegs, Snotlowt, Ruffnut, Tuffnut I am relying on all of you to keep an eye on Astrid, make shore she's aright &if anything bad happens send me a terror male immediately ok" 

Astrid looks at him, giggles while holding him &says lovingly. "Oh Hiccup you worry about me way too much" Then he smiles & looks at her lovingly, "I need to worry about you mi-lady especially with Marvin the Murderous out there" She shakes her head, smiles, giggles, as she looks at him, wiggles his noise then says. "Oh Hiccup what am I going to do with you?" He smiles lovingly & cheekily at her & says flirtatiously. "I don't know but I know what I'm going to do I'm going to love you always" She looks, smiles & giggles at him lovingly as she slides her hand fro his hear. "I know you will Hiccup"     

He hugs her & kisses her check then whispers softly to her lovingly. "I love you mi-lady" Then he looks back at everyone then to his mother & says to her. "Mum cold you help are friends to keep a eye on Astrid after all you do live rite next door?" Volka looks & smiles at him & says. "Yes son officers" 

Hiccup looks at Gobber, smiles & says kindly. "& Gobber I'm trusting you to take care of the village while I'm gone ok" "Oh thanks chef I won't disappoint you" Gobber says smiling, Hiccup smiles at Gobber & says happily. "I'm shore you won't Gobber I'm shore you won't"

Then he goes to Astrid hugs & kisses her lovingly & says sadly. "Well I beater get going...I love you Astrid so much" He gets on Toothless then looks at everyone& smiles lovingly at Astrid & says lovingly. "Be safe mi-lady" She smiles at him & blows him a kiss & says lovingly. "You to babe" "I will sweaty I love you" He smiles & pats Toothless head & says. "Com on bud lets go" Then Hiccup & Toothless fly off.

Three days later

In the next two days Astrid worry's about Hiccup then on the farad night Astrid says to herself. "Oh Hiccup I wish you wear hear I miss you" & she then falls asleep on Hiccup's char then suddenly two men walk in & grab her & takes her to a ship.

When she wakes up she finds herself in a sell alone "Were am I? What's happened?" She says to herself surprisingly & worriedly then suddenly Marvin the Murderous comes in & looks at her & she stares at him with hatred..

Marvin smirks & laughs meanly at her & says while laughing meanly. "I hope your enjoying your accommodations" Then lewdly & angrily she says. "No! No I'm not & whatever you are trying to do you won't get away with it my husband will come for me & beet you!"

Marvin smirks & laughs at Astrid & seas cruelly" Oh I think I will, after all I have sum grit leverage ha, ha I have his wife & his unborn child ha, ha what better leverage can I get?" Then a man behind Marvin says. "I don't know Marvin but your rite she is sum grit leverage" "Ha,ha, ha Yes! Yes she is" Marvin says with a snarl.

"How did you even know that I was Hiccup's wife & that he was going to be a farther?" Astrid asks. "Oh! I have a very good sores not that he had a chows ha, ha, ha" Suddenly some men bring Jo-Harn in tide up & they fro him in a cage opposite Astrid,Marvin looks at Jo -Harn then Astrid & he says. "Well you 2 enjoy yourselves ha, ha because you two aren't going anywhere for a longtime, well goodbye have fun" Then Marvin & all his men leave.

Astrid looks at Jo-Harn who looks at her frightened & he says to her. "I'm so sorry Astrid, I didn't mean to tell him anything but I had no choice, he torched me & frightened to kill me" "I know you didn't mean to tell him anything Jo-Harn, don't worry Hiccup will save us" Jo-Harn says sadly. "I'm so sorry & you kidnap in your condition" Then Astrid looks at him & confutes him.

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