Destiny B.2 Part 9

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I woke up and felt pain on my cheek. I felt it and... it was my bruise. I sighed, remembering what happened yesterday. I got up and dressed normally and left to the park where Taehyung wanted to meet.
I arrived and walked around. I then knew where this park was, it was where he took me when we were married.

Tears trickled down my face. I miss him, I miss everything about him.

You:"Taehyung..... please come back to me..." I said with tears. I soon broke down into crying. I knew he wouldn't love me back anymore. I then rubbed my stomach.

You:"Baby, I'm your mommy." I said and stood up. I then walked until I hit someone. I looked up and met eyes with.... Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung:"Yuna..." He said and I looked away with tears. He held my hands.

You:"Please.... stop..." I said with a broken heart. He sighed.

Taehyung:"Did you bring the divorce paper yet?" He asked softly. Anger and sadness boiled up.

You:"Look! I'd you wanna divorce that bad, then fake my sign and bring it to the court!" I yelled and cried. I broke down onto the floor.

Taehyung:"Yuna!" He yelled and helped me up.

You:"Why Taehyung, why did this need to happen to me and... my baby." I said the last word quietly and cried.

He helped me up. I looked at him.

Taehyung:"Yuna, I'm sorry, but it's for the best." I then scoffed.

You:"Just because you got fired doesn't mean you can divorce me and be angry at me!" I yelled and he scoffed.

Taehyung:"A IMPORTANT Job! It was the job from my father!" He yelled and guilt poured into me.

You:"I-I....." I was speechless. He slapped me.

Taehyung:"Because of you everyone hates me!" He yelled and I gasped.

You:"Taehyung....." I had to tell him.

Taehyung:"You are such a-"

You:"TAEHYUNG!!!" I yelled. He looked at me shocked.

Taehyung:"What!" He yelled as tears rolled down my cheeks.

You:"Our baby...." I said and rubbed my stomach as he/she kicked. Taehyung's eyes widen.

Taehyung:"Y-your.... pregnet?" He said and I nodded. Tears rolled down my eyes.

You:"I-I... I'm gonna leave now." I said and left as tears poured down my face.

💔I will remember you Taehyung💔

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