Chapter 22 - Seeing double

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I can't believe I helped those two to get the cameras down. No. What I can't understand is why there were so many of them. Geesh! How many angles Miss Leo absolutely needed to see? Oh, yeah. Now, I get it. It's Miss Leo. Duh! Of course, she wanted to see absolutely everything. Coming back in the apartment on my own - Raven had a mission to go to with Marc and Axel after his shower - I notice an envelope taped on the door. Not this again... Those notes are not making any sense and we still don't know who's sending them. What's this one about? Oh, great. Letters were cut from magazines and newspapers and glued on a piece of paper to form one sentence.

Girls have cooties.

What the heck?

I'll just... put it with the others and think about it later. Yeah. Later. Now, where is my girlfriend? I just wanted to say it in my head. Girlfriend. It sounds pretty fantastic, isn't it? When I told Brandon that she accepted to be my girlfriend, I expected him to be a little moody about it. I know how much he wants her to be his too. But he surprised me by smiling and telling me it was a good thing. That we were in the right direction. To be happy for a change. Maybe then, he won't have that sadness in his eyes all the time. He doesn't have it when she's with us. When she's talking to him or smiling or laughing. When she's there. In our living space or just near us. The sadness is gone, replaced by joy. Because that's what she is. The joy in our life.

Ah! Here she is, holding her knees with her arms, sitting on Brandon's bed. She looks slightly panicky as the only sound we can hear is the shower running. So Brandon didn't want to sleep with makeup on. Too bad. I bet the picture one of our brothers would've surely taken tomorrow morning would have been priceless. I guess I should make my presence known so I can calm her down from whatever she's thinking.

" Mind if I sleep here tonight, too? "

Oh. Apparently, I added some more stress. Maybe two Henshaw brothers is a lot. Well, I know it is. I would be okay but add Brandon and... yeah. Too much. Kidding. She can take it! I mean, if she can handle Raven and the others, surely she can handle us, twins. Not that we would try anything tonight.

... much...



I was so nervous, you have no idea! I don't know how to explain it, but I'll try. Brandon is so different from Corey. He's more intense. When I see Corey, I want to smile like an idiot because he lifts my spirit up with his love for life and he's almost always in a good mood. Brandon's soul looks like a little bit the opposite, in a way. It's like his faith for a happy ending - not that kind, you pervs! - is almost non-existent. Like he doesn't believe something good and amazing could happen to him. I'm not saying he's depressed, don't worry, but sometimes he just looks so sad... It breaks my heart.

So, yeah, I was nervous to be this close to him. Us alone in a bed. You see, he's that gorgeous confident guy and I have no doubt in my mind he has experience with... you know. Women. I don't. Um. Well, of course, I don't have experience with women but what I meant is, I don't have any with men either.

So I don't really know what to do with him right now. Or more like, I don't know what he wants to happen. I don't think I'm ready to, you know...

Get it on...

Don't get me wrong, here. I want him like a pencil wants an eraser - not the best example but I'm nervous, okay? Give me some slack - but I want our relationship to evolve more before this... happens.

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