Chapter 25 - Fancy Shmancy Elderly Bingo - Part One

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No matter how many activities were pushed my way by Miss Leo, I would never stop feeling like it's not a good idea and my stomach will probably always act like I'm on a boat and about to puke. It's the anticipation, you know? Because it's a fact. You never know what's going to hit you in the face with her. Or if you're going to see naked flesh that you really didn't want to see.

This time, though, we had a talk beforehand just for that reason, so I could protect myself better - and my sanity - in case of a potential catastrophe. Of course, she didn't tell me everything, she's Miss Leo after all, but what I know now is enough to be certain of one thing. I need assistance. Want to know why? Because the only thing she said was " Honey, it's bingo. Whaddaya think is gonna happen? "


That's exactly what I got. Assistance, I mean.  I knew Sean would be up for it and that he would bring - force - others with him too. What I didn't know was that he would choose the two people who would probably be the most uncomfortable for the 'activity'. Well, that's not true. Owen would probably be a hilarious choice too. Let's not forget North. Oh, and Brandon! Poor Axel and Wil... Sean can be mischievous sometimes. Oh, well...

I thought I would be the first person to be sitting in the conference room in Sergeant Jasper, but I was wrong.

" Shit! " I swear under my breath, spotting Richard, one of Miss Leo's boyfriends and the only one I met yet. Sitting next to him is a casual looking, sexy older version of Pierce Brosnan. I never thought in my life that I could find an octogenarian sexy, but dang! Okay, Miss Leo! If I suppose correctly, this hot dish must be her other boyfriend, Julian. Juju if he's nice, Julia if he pisses her off.

The fact that she met them at Bingo doesn't escape me and I'm suddenly ten times more nervous. First of all, the Bingo she met them was called 'Old Farts Strip Bingo Night'. Secondly, Richard better not talk to me because I know what will happen if he does. Those dark eyes will suck me in and make me confess everything I ever did that was remotely wrong. Now, imagine my humiliation if I have to confess while stripping because if you haven't noticed, we're talking about a Bingo night hosted by Miss Leo! I'm so screwed... Here she comes.

" Ah, good, you're here! I was hoping you would. Ya see, I need some help before we start. "

Ah, man...

" Is this an Old Farts Strip Bingo? "

" Nope! Not this time. Sorry to disappoint, but you're not an old fart, even though your farts can smell like an old trucker on his worst day. "

" Hey! "

" Well, you're not hanging out with me for my politeness. Ya know I'll always be honest with you. Anywho, I need you to help me bring the Bingo lady in. She fell asleep on a chair in the hall. I tried waking her up but she's as deaf as a man married for fifty years when his wife is talking to him about the calluses on her feet. "

" But if she's asleep, how is she going to be the caller? "

" Pshaw! She's been doing this since the '40s! We don't even need a cage and balls! Now, go get Tilda! "

That's the first time I ever heard Miss Leo talk about balls in a non-sexual way. Got to write this down on my calendar.


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