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I woke up and got ready for school, putting on a shirt and some jeans. I brushed my hair, took my meds, and got everything else ready for the day.

"Mom, Millie's downstairs!!!" My sister Ava yelled. She's about 6, and she always cheers me up. Charlie and Paige are in college, I don't really speak to them that much.

"Hold on!!" My mom yelled, running downstairs. I had my bag on my shoulders, ready for her to drop me off.

"Okay, ready?" My mom asked, grabbing her keys.

"Yeah." I said, and she smiled and walked out the door, me following.


Soon enough, we got to the school.

"Okay, you'll do good, honey." My mom said, and I nodded.

"Okay. Bye mom, love you." I said, and she smiled.

"Love you too!!" She said, and I smiled and closed the door, and started walking to the front entrance of the school.

That's when I heard the voices.

Stop. Stop walking. They are all watching you. Nobody wants you here, you're worthless.

"Hey!" A girl came up to me, smiling.

"Hey." I said.

"My names Sadie. I'm the person who's showing you around, giving you a tour." She said, and I smiled.

"Okay." I said, and she smiled, and we walked inside.

"Those are the nerds," She said, pointing to a group of nerds by the bathroom.

"Those are the somewhat popular people," She said, pointing to a lot of people in a group, talking.

"Those are the popular girls, but they are annoying," Sadie said, and laughed. I saw three of them, and one of them made eye contact with me. She was a blonde.

"And Those are the popular guys. I'm dating Caleb, the one on the very left." She said, smiling. She walked up to them, me following. She went up to Caleb, and pecked his lips.

"Hey babe!" She said, and he smiled.

"Hey." He said, and I felt someone's stare burning into me. I looked over to them, and it was the guy with the black curly hair. He looked away, and so did I.

"This is Millie, she's new here. Millie, this is Caleb, Gaten, Noah, and Finn." She said, and I looked at all of them.

I've seen Finn before.

I said hi, and they smiled. I looked down, and that's when I heard the voices.

They don't care about you. You're a mistake, you're not supposed to be here, you worthless piece of-

"Sadie can we go?" I asked, and she smiled and nodded.

She knows about what I have, she's the only one that agreed to show me around and stuff. It's nice of her.

We walked to my locker, and I put my stuff in there, and organized everything, then we walked to our first class. Language.

We got in there, and they were double seats. I sat down next to Sadie in the middle of the classroom, and then the bell rang.

The teacher talked to us about how our first week of school was gonna go. I hated my freshmen and softmore year with a passion. I hope junior year is better.


I made it to math, and there were already assigned groups. I sat with a girl and two other guys.

I sat down, and they eventually sat down too. I saw the guys in the group of nerds Sadie was telling me about, and I haven't seen the girl yet.

They were looking at me with this look on their face, which I was confused about.

They don't like you. They are out to get you. Watch out, Millie. Watch out. Get out of here. They are going to get you.


I went to biology and nothing really happened, and then I got to my Spanish class.

I walked in, and it was two seats. But they were assigned seats. I sat in the two seated desk closest to the door.

The guy I saw earlier sat next to me. Finn.

"Hey Millie." He said, but didn't look at me.

"I've seen you before." I said, and he looked at me.

"You're my next door neighbor." He said.

"Ohhhh." I said, and he smiled and nodded. He looked up as the teacher started talking, and so did I.

In the middle of her talking, I closed my eyes for a second. I opened them, and there was nobody in the room. 

I looked around, but nobody was there. I started breathing heavily, and looked around. I felt a cold feeling on my forearm, to see black forming around it.

I felt my other arm do the same thing, so I looked at it, but I felt a hand this time. I looked up, to see everyone still in the room, filling out a paper. Finn was holding my forearms.

"You okay?" He asked, and I looked in his eyes. Fear was projecting in mine; concern was in his.

"Uh-Yeah, I'm good." I said, and he let go of my arm, and I tried to refocus.


"So, how was your first day?" Sadie asked me, as we walked in the hallway with each other.

"It was okay, it could of been worse." I said, and she smiled.

Again, I found us walking up to the 'popular' guys, Sadie kissing her boyfriend. He's in my history class.

I felt the stare of Finn on me again, and I looked at him, and he looked away, over to Sadie. 

"Sadie, I'm gonna go." I said, and she looked to me.

"I'll walk you out." She said, and I smiled and nodded.

We walked down the hallway, and she started to make conversation.

"So Finn told me that you two are neighbors." She said, and I nodded.

"That's good." She said, and I looked at her.

"Why?" I asked.

"You guys can become friends." She said, and I smiled and nodded.

"My moms here, I gotta go." I said, and she nodded.

"Bye Millie," She said, and I smiled and waved, walking to my moms car.

"How was school?" She asked, as I closed the door to the car.

"It was good." I said, and she nodded.


"Millieeeeee!" Ava yelled, as I walked in the door. She threw herself at me and hugged me, and I hugged her back.

"How was school?" She asked me, and I smiled.

"It was good. How was your day?" I asked her. She only goes to preschool till 12 pm, so she gets back earlier than me.

"It was so fun!" She said, and I smiled, as she followed me to my room telling me about her day.

I looked out my window as I walked in my room, to see a window directly across from mine, from Finns house. He did say he was my neighbor.

I actually saw him walk past it, so I'm assuming it's his room. I sat on my bed and listened to Ava, talking about her day.


Hey. Idk how to feel about this book yet.

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