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I fell asleep updating I'm sorry

Millie's pov

Knock knock knock. Knock knock. Knock knock knock.

"Finn," I groaned, and I felt him next to me. He had his arm around me, and I had my arm slung over his chest.

Knock knock knock, KNOCK KNOCK.

"Finn." I said louder, and he woke up, and saw the position that we were in, and slowly broke apart.

"What?" He asked, and I looked over to the door.

Knock knock,knock knock knock.

"Someone's knocking really loud on the door." I said, and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Millie, nobody is knocking on the door." He said, and it started again.

Knock knock, knock.

"Yes there is." I said, and got up, and walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it, to find nobody there.

I closed the door again, but it started again when I closed it. I quickly opened it, and nobody was there.

"How do you not hear that?" I asked Finn, and he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"I don't hear anything." He said, and I shook my head, and went back into the bed. Finn did too.

The tv just turned on. The tv is on.

They are talking about me. They are talking about me on TV.

"Finn, we need to leave." I said, and he looked at me, confused out of his mind.

"Why?" He asked, and I looked around.

"The TV. It's talking about me. The people on it. They are going to kill me." I said, and Finn sat up, along with me.

"Mills, the TV isn't on." He said, and I looked to it, and it was off. I looked at the time, and it was 4 in the morning.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry." I said, and he shook his head.

"You're good." He said, and I laid back down next to him, my back facing him.

I think he took this as a sign to cuddle me, because he wrapped his arm around me and pressed his chest against my back.

"Try and sleep Mills," Finn said, his voice all groggy from sleeping.

I felt him start tracing things on my stomach, and I smiled. It had a weird feeling to it, but I liked it.


The alarm woke us up this time, and Finn slowly got out of our position, and so did I, to stop the alarm. I sat up and went to go get ready to paddle board.

I put on a swimsuit and some clothes over it, and did everything I normally do in the morning. Same with Finn.

We met with them at the lobby, and Sadie walked up to me, and Finn went to talk to the guys.

"Have you ever paddle boarded before?" She asked, and I shook my head no.

"You're gonna love it, it's so much fun. After you get the hang of it, it's actually pretty easy. But I haven't gotten the hang of it yet." Sadie said, and we laughed.

We drove to the place were we could paddle board, and we did it in pairs of two, so you can assume who was with me.

"I've never done this before." Finn said, and I smiled.

"I haven't either, so we're even." I said, and he smiled. We had a blue paddle board, and Sadie and Caleb already got on theirs, and Gaten and Noah were on theirs. They were sitting down though, we were gonna stand up when we were away from the shore.

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