Random dude

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Millie's pov

I arrived at school that following Friday, somehow I made it through the week. I haven't had any "episodes" I like to call them, since the first day on Monday. I only have them when I have bad anxiety, or something is bothering me. Bullying really sets it off.

Everyone at the school knows about my condition, because the people that rejected showing me the tour told everyone.

They all give me looks, but I can't do anything about it.

I walked through the doors and walked to my locker, and opened it. I put my books and stuff away, and I heard a girl skipping up to me.

"Hey Sadie." I said, and she smiled and said hey.

I grabbed the rest of my books and put them in my bag, and shut my locker, walking with Sadie, wherever she is going. I saw her walk up to the same set of lockers she always walks up to, four guys standing in front of them.

She ran up to Caleb and kissed him, and then she pulled back and backed up, me standing next to her.

"Okay so I was wondering if you guys wanna go see that new movie that came out." Sadie said, and I looked to her. I could feel someone's stare burning into the side of my face, but I didn't look at him.

"What movie?" Noah asked.

"Hell House. It's when these guys go into this old hotel and they make it a haunted house, but it's actually haunted, and it's all real camera filming and stuff like that. Would you wanna go see it?" She asked us, and the guys all looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

"I take that as a yes. Millie, wanna see it?" She asked, and I smiled and nodded.

"Great. Meet at the movie theater by 9, the movie is at 9:30!" She said, taking my hand and walking away from them, to our first class.

"They look kinda scary when you first meet them, but once you hang around them, they start to warm up to you. Especially Noah and Gaten." She said, and I nodded.

"What about Finn?" I asked, as we got to our first class.

"What about him?" Sadie asked me.

"He seems a little different than the other guys." I said.

"He doesn't really share much with us about his life, if that's where you're heading with this question. He's more introverted, doesn't share his thoughts or feelings. He just......whats a good word to say?" Sadie said.

"Watches." I said, and she looked at me and smiled.

"He watches you?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Whenever we go up to them, I can feel him watching me." I said, and she smiled.

"Like I said, he won't share much, but he will watch and listen. You have to warm up to him. It took me a while, he started talking more once I did, and warmed up to him. He doesn't talk much when we add a new member to the group, until he warms up to them." She said, and I nodded.


I sat down in Spanish, and felt my phone buzz. It's weird, because I never get text notifications.

I saw Finn sit down next to me, and I opened my phone up.

Text message from Mom❤️

Why did I just find a folder in your room labeled 'Suicide Notes'? / Delivered 11:23 am

Millie??? / Delivered 12:36 pm

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