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Millie's pov

I walked into school with Sadie the next day, and I went to my locker, opening it, and talking to Sadie.

"So you're not together anymore?" She asked.

"We were never together, it wasn't official. We are just ending our thing that we had." I said, and she nodded.

"I don't know why Finn would kiss her back, but he had to of had a reason. He really cares for you, Mills." Sadie said, and I nodded.

"We are still friends." I said, and she nodded.


I walked into spanish, walking down my row, which I have to pass Finn to get to my seat.

I sat down and set all my stuff down, and he turned around and faced me.

"Hi." He said, and I lightly smiled.

"Hey." I said, and he looked down to my desk.

We both still have our bracelets on.

"Have you heard about the trip we are taking tomorrow?" He asked, and I shook my head no.

"Our grade is going to this theater thing to see a play. It's supposed to be a cool play or something." He said, and I nodded.

"Cool." I said, and he nodded.

He looked up into my eyes, and I looked into his. He has this expression in them. One I've never seen before. It was a soft one, but there was another emotion in them which I didn't know.

The teacher started talking, so he turned around to face her.


We were sitting down at lunch, talking about the field trip tomorrow.

"I heard it's something like Hamilton," Noah said, and then Sadie started ranting of how much she loves Hamilton.

I looked up to a door leading to the hallway, to see something black. I think it was that damn hand again.

It slowly slid out of the door.

"I'll be right back." I said, and they nodded. I walked over to the door, and out to the hallway, where I saw nothing.

I heard a clicking sound, and looked all the way down the hallway, to see a man standing there.

He started laughing. A low laugh.

The laugh started to deepen way too deep for a human to make that kind of voice, and my heartbeat quickened.

It wasn't human anymore, it was turning black, and tall.

We have you, Millie.

I blinked, and it went from the end of the hallway to right in front of my face. I fell onto the ground from surprise, and sat my arms up, and it was at my face.

It felt cold sensations on my arms, traveling from my fingers tips, up to my arms. Onto my neck.

I let out a scream, an ear piercing one.

We have you now, Millie, just come with us!

It yelled, and everything went black and quiet. I opened my eyes, and I looked around.

I was still in the hallway. Nothing was there, except a person, holding my hands, yelling my name to try and get me to concentrate. I couldn't hear anything, it was muffled, like I was underwater.

Psycho~Fillieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें