The cliff

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Before you read, here's this. Someone commented on me not updating tonight even though I said to be thankful for it. Fight me b, fight me!! I was so tired after softball that I just fell asleep accidentally, I was going to update but I fell asleep before I could. And look at me now, updating right before yet ANOTHER SOFTBALL CAMP! You're welcome.

Also, I couldn't read last chapters comments. Wattpad is messed up.

Millie's pov

I woke up to the sound of everyone else, talking.

I groaned and reached for my phone to check the time. It was 12:00pm.

I shot up, and put my glasses on.

Noah and Gaten were talking about something, Sadie and Caleb were making out in the front, and Finn was chilling on his phone.

"Finn, why didn't you wake me up?" I asked, and he looked to me.

"You don't get a lot of sleep, I just wanted you to get some." He said, and I lightly smiled at him, and he smiled back.

We looked over to Sadie and Caleb, who were still making out.

I looked over to Noah and he grabbed a pillow and threw it at them.

"Millie's up, let's go." Noah said, and Sadie groaned, took the pillow and hit Noah with it. I moved back out of the war zone.

Sadie and I grabbed our bags and went to get ready, brushing our hair and teeth and everything.

I just changed into some athletic shorts and Finns sweatshirt from the day he gave it to me to wear. Still haven't given it back, don't plan on giving it back. It's mine now.

Sadie and I walked back to the van to see the guys were already done getting ready, and they were setting the seats back up.

I got back in and I felt Finns stare burning into the side of my face. I looked at him.

"Excuse me, I think that's my sweatshirt." He said, and I smiled and furrowed my eyebrows.

"What sweatshirt?" I asked.

"The one your wearing." He said.

"No, this is mine." I said, and he smiled at me.

"Wow, I didn't know your last name was Wolfhard." He said, and I laughed.

"Okay but why do you guys fight like you're dating." Gaten said, popping up from behind us.

"We aren't. We are just regularly arguing. Ever heard of it?" Finn said, and I laughed.

"But you guys wear those matching bracelet things." Noah said, popping out from the back too.

Finn is still wearing his.

"You're still wearing yours?" We both asked at the same time, and we both laughed.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna make a conspiracy theory video about this." Noah said, and we both laughed.

My phone started buzzing, and it was a FaceTime call from Ava.

"Speaking of," I said, and Finn lightly took my phone from my hands, and answered it.

"Hey Ava." Finn said, and I smiled, watching them.

Her face lit up.

"Oh my gosh, cute boy!! Why do you have Millie's phone?" She asked, and I smiled.

"She's right here," Finn said, pointing the camera at me then back to him, "We are on a road trip." He said, and she was smiling. She started laughing.

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