A Christmas Carol - Two

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A short while later the Doctor sat with his back against the cupboard door. a small loop of rope wrapped around one of his fingers in the air his sonic screwdriver attached to the other end handing in the air scanning and waiting for a fish to arrive in Kazrans bedroom. The Stone sat beside him her head resting on his shoulder slightly worried about their companions even though they were in the past and not in currently in a starship in this Kazan's time they still were in the future.

"Are there any face spiders in here?" Kazran who sat on the other side of the Doctor asked.

"Nah, not at this time of night. They'll all be sleeping in your mattress."

"How your children survived without being scared to death by you I have no idea." The Stone rolled her eyes. "And remind me to never leave you alone with children ever again."

"I'm not that bad!"

"You really are Doctor." She sent him a look patting his shoulder. "So, Kazran, why are you so interested in fish?"

"Because they're scary."

"Good answer." The Doctor grinned.

"What kind of tie is that?" He nodded at the Doctors bowtie.

"A cool one."

"Why is it cool?"

"Why are you really interested in fish?" The Stone cut the Doctor off not really wanting the Doctor to ramble on about his bowtie for half an hour. Any other time but today she would be happy to watch him talk about it with a giddy smile on his face but today wasn't one of those days.

"My school. During the last fog belt, the nets broke and there was an attack. Loads of them. A whole shoal. No one was hurt, but it was the most fish ever seen below the mountains."

"Were you scared?"

Kazran just shook his head at the Time Lords looking saddened. "I wasn't there. I was off sick."

"Ooo, lucky you." The Doctor said before backtracking seeing the look on his face quietly muttering. "Not lucky."

"I missed something once." The Stone sighed shaking her head.

"Ah you did." The Doctor pointed at her grinning. "I remember that day."

"Now I think about it I'm glad I missed that day." She chuckled.

"What happened?" Kazran questioned interested.

"I missed one of the trips my class took to see the different TARDISes. One of the days I didn't want to miss."

"The Master kept teasing me all day after you didn't arrive." The Doctor shook his head. "Kept saying that my girlfriend wasn't there."

"If only he knew what we did a week later." She smiled. "We snuck inside one of them." The Stone said to Kazran. "You weren't meant to go inside them but we did, but the fish." She frowned getting back on track. "Why are they so important. You only missed a day."

"It's all anyone ever talks about now." He let out a sigh shrugging his shoulders back. "The day the fish came. Everyone's got a story."

"But you don't." The Time Lords said realising why it was now so important.

"Why are you recording this?" Kazran questioned looking at the camera.

"Do you pay attention at school, Kazran?" The Doctor questioned sharing a quick glance with the Time Lady, his finger slightly moving as the string wrapped around it started to softly tug.

"Sorry, what?" The boy frowned not understanding before his eyes followed both the Time Lords seeing the string.

"Shush." He raised a finger to his lips before grinning and taking the Stone's hand.

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