The Time Lords Best Friend - Three

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The Doctor and the Stone continued to run with Idris until they arrived at an empty area in what looked like a large junk yard as they stared at different parts from multiple TARDISes. "A valley of half eaten TARDISes." The Doctor said. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I'm thinking that all of my sisters are dead." Idris quietly replied. The Stones eyes widened at the thought. "That they were devoured, and that we are looking at their corpses."

The Stone winced. "I don't think he was thinking that." She murmured lightly rubbing Idris' shoulder.

"Ah. Sorry." The Doctor lightly nodded. "No, I wasn't thinking that."

"No." She looked between them. "You both were thinking you could build a working TARDIS console out of broken remnants of a hundred different models. And neither of you don't care that it's impossible."

"It's not impossible as long as we're alive."

"And anything is possible if you try hard enough." The Stone winked.

"Rory and Amy need us." The Doctor said taking the Stones hand. "So yeah, we're going to build a TARDIS."

"I think I'm going to enjoy this." The Stone grinned. "Something I've never built before."

"I think I'm going to enjoy doing this with you dear." The Doctor grinned back kissing her cheek.

The Time Lords were quick to start with two panels up. Parts of the console were still missing along with the time rotor and a couple other panels.

"Bond the tube directly into the Tachyon Diverter." Idris called to them poking something, the Stone huffed helping the Doctor to pull another panel with rope.

"Yes, yes, we have actually rebuilt a TARDIS before, you know." The Doctor grunted pulling the panel along. "We know what I'm doing."

"You sure sweetheart?" The Stone teased before groaning when she began to pull again.

Idris looked over at the Doctor. "You're like a nine year old trying to rebuild a motorbike in his bedroom. And you never read the instructions."

"I always read the instructions."

"Threw put the Manuel." The Stone called over her shoulder as she made her way over to the TARDIS they had started to make.

"Exactly." Idris nodded at the Time Lady. "And there's a sign on my front door. You have been walking past it for seven hundred years. What does it say?"

"That's not instructions."

"There's an instruction at the bottom." Idris pressed on. "What does it say?"

"Pull to open."

"Yes. And what do you do?"

"I push."

"The both of you do it." She looked over at the Stone. "Every single time. Seven hundred years. Police Box doors open out the way."

The Doctor dropped the rope and marched towards Idris. "I think I have earned the right to open my front doors any way I want."

"Your front doors?" Idris repeated before looking at the Stone as if to say 'you married this man?' "Have you any idea how childish that sounds?"

"You are not my mother." He pointed right at her face making the woman lean back slightly not fazed while the Stone winced walking over to them.

"And you are not my child."

"You know, since we're talking with mouths, not really an opportunity that comes along very often, I just want to say, you know, you have never been very reliable."

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