Lovers In Pompeii (Ian Hecox)

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Hey! So I wrote this story based on a very strange dream.

I spent hours reading facts and learning everything about Pompeii to make this as accurate as possible.

I will change some words because I don't want to use the real Pompeian terms and words.

Also, I will not be changing Ian's name to something Italian because that might be confusing.

In case you know nothing about Pompeii, I'll give you a short summary since I am basically an expert on the place.

Pompeii was founded around 600-700 BC. The city was known for earthquakes and being a vacation spots most Italians would visit.

Then on August 24th 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted. For six hours the volcano covered Pompeii in ash and debris. Pompeii was buried under 4-6 metres of pumice and ash for over 1500 years.

Then a Spanish engineer discovered it while digging and we've been digging Pompeii out ever since.

Right now we've uncovered two thirds of the city.

Everything in the city, from people to dogs to vases were perfectly preserved since it was all under ash and pumice, no light or moisture could get to it.

Just to make you feel a little better, must people didn't die from being covered in pumice and ash. Most people died from the heat (Which was 250 degrees Celsius and you could feel the heat from 6 miles away) And most people died instantly.

So without a due, my first chapter of Lovers in Pompeii!

Enjoy :)

Lovers In Pompeii (Ian Hecox)Where stories live. Discover now