Chapter 13 - Letters

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*Ian's Point of View*

I woke up because of my body shivering. My eyes opened slowly and I looked around.

"Lucia?" I yelled into the house, noticing her absence. When she didn't say anything back, I decided to get out of bed and make some breakfast. I got up and looked down at my body. I was naked. I ran to my dresser and grabbed some underwear and a t-shirt.

"Lucia!" I yelled again as I walked into the living room. I couldn't find her anywhere. "Where are you Lucia." I sighed.

I made some food and ate silently at the table. After my food was eaten and my plate was washed, I looked around my empty house.

"What am I going to do?" I sighed suddenly overcome with boredom.

I put a pair of pants on and headed out the door. I looked at the path to the market and the path to Lucia's parents' house. I guess I was doing something crazy today.

*Lucia's Point of View*

"Where am I?" I mumbled as I noticed I was laying down.

"Hello Miss. Aquino!" Someone yelled. I looked around and couldn't see who's voice it was. I sat up and instantly became dizzy.

"What happened?" I asked, slowly losing consciousness.

"Your mother requested your immediate presence. We're on our way to-" He started but I didn't stay conscious enough to hear the end of the sentence.

*Ian's Point of View*

I hesitantly knocked on the door to the mansion. I waited a few seconds before the door opened and revealed a small woman.

"Hello Ian." Mrs. Aquino said. Those two words were laced with venom.

"Where's Lucia?" I demanded.

"Oh, my daughter? She's somewhere far, far away from you." She smirked.

"What did you do." I said in a harsh tone.

"Well, when I saw her this morning in the market, despite her not supposed to be home for another week, I knew something was up. She had been sneaking around with you for a week and I still thought she was in Rome." She started getting very angry with her tone.

"Mrs. Aquino, I love her." I said calmly.

"You children don't know the first thing about love! You don't love her. You're just using her for her fortune and her name!" She yelled.

"I'm not! I love her! She's the best thing that's ever happened to me!" I yelled at her and I pointed to her.

"Even if you do, you'll never see her again." She smiled evilly.

"What do you mean I'll never see her again?" I rises my eyebrow.

"She is forbidden to talk, write or see you again. She'll never come back to Pompeii. She's going as far away from you as she can." She said and slammed her front door in my face.

What just happened.

*Lucia's Point of View*

I woke up in an unfamiliar room with my head pounding. I rubbed my temples and looked around the room. It was a huge bedroom with everything I could ever need. I looked to the front of the room and saw a door. I walked out it and into a hallway.

"What the hell is going on?" I said out loud.

I walked throughout the rest of the house. It was huge and I can't see the point in anyone needing this much space.

"Hello!?" I yelled as loud as I could. I was standing in the living room and I turned my attention to the front door which was opening.

"Miss. Aquino?" A small woman said.

"Yes, who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Violet. I'm your servant." She said quietly. She was of good age and her hair was completely white.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Aquino Mansion, Roseville, France." After she said that, I noticed her light French accent.

"France!?" I yelled. "Why am I in France?"

She didn't say anything. She just opened her jacket and reached inside. She pulled out a gold envelope and handed it to me.

"I hope this answers all of your questions Miss. Aquino." She smiled and walked out the front door.

I stood there frozen for awhile with the letter in my hand. I took a deep breath and walked to the dining room. I slowly sat down and after a few seconds I tore open the envelope. I looked immediately at the bottom for a signature.

"Mrs. Aquino? Mom?" I was so confused. I started to read the letter from my mother.

"Dear Lucia,

You know I've always loved you and I've only wanted what's best for you. I truly believe this is the best thing I can do for you in spite of the situation.

If you're reading this, you've obviously met Violet already. She's very kind and one of the best servants in France, or so I've been told. She has strict instructions from me, so please do not blame her.

After I leaned that you were in Pompeii instead of Rome, the whole puzzle came together.

I know you may love Ian, but the love and respect of your parents should over rule it. So, when I found out you betrayed me and my rules, I had to pick a punishment.

You will never be allowed to see, talk to, or write to Ian ever again. You will never be allowed back in Pompeii and Ian will never be allowed to leave Pompeii. You will never leave the mansion that your father and I bought for you.

It might be hard for you to understand right now why I did this. But, I promise as you mature, everything will make sense.

I love you very much. I hope you will someday understand why I did what I did.

Best regards,

Clara Aquino."

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