Chapter 2 - Across Town

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*Lucia's Point of View*

"You're welcome Valentina!" I said, waving to the middle-aged woman who I had just delivered a rather heavy box to.

Great. I sighed. I was on the other side of the city from where I live. It was early afternoon and I don't feel like going home quite yet.

After awhile of debating with myself, I decided to walk even farther away from home, and go to The Sea Gate. It's basically a port since we live right beside the ocean. It's never that busy but it's beautiful.

After a ten minute walk, I arrived. The crystal blue water was fairly calm for being an ocean. It was a hot day and maybe a dip in the ocean would help.

I went to the far right corner of the port and sat on the edge of the stone wall and dipped my feet in the water. It was cold since it was March. I stood back up and turned to go home.

It took an hour to get home and then I had to take our guard dog Bronze for a walk even though my legs were already killing me.

I decided to take him for a walk to the market. I had some money in my pocket and I want some new jewelry.

I didn't have a leash for Bronze. I trusted that he would walk beside me through the market.

We were on the edge of the large market when Bronze started growling.

I bent down and petted him. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He started barking and running. "Bronze!" I yelled as I watched him turn the corner.

I ran after him for 5 minutes while I was calling out his name.

I saw him stop next to someone. "Hey thanks for stopping my dog- ugh wait it's you." I groaned as I recognized the boy from the market.

"It's nice to see you too. You should watch your dog more carefully next time." He said, winking at me.

I eternally vomited.

"Yeah sure, whatever."

"I'm Ian." The boy said, sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I shook his hand and said "I'm Lucia."

"Nice to meet you. Since I helped you, you have to help me." He smirked.

"That's fair, I guess. What do you want? Money, job?" I asked.

"You rich kids are all the same. I'm sorry that I'm not the daughter of a rich asshole! But that doesn't mean I need your money." He growled at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Wait, how did you know my dad is a nobleman?" I asked.

"Everyone knows. You have the biggest house in the whole city. It's not hard to figure out." He answered.

"So, what do you actually need help with?" I asked.

"I need you to help me carry these empty crates to a farmer on the west side of town."

"Okay. Let's go. C'mon Bronze!" I yelled.

I picked up two crates and Ian picked up three. We started pushing our way through the rather busy market.

Once we were on a street, Ian spoke up. "So what were you doing in the market this morning buying wine anyways? Don't you have slaves for that?"

"No, we don't have slaves. It's just my mom and I at home, so we split the work. I never see my dad for months at a time." I replied. "So what do you do?"

"I pick up random jobs usually. Whether it's helping fisherman or farmers. It's boring, but it puts food on my table." He said, looking at me. I never noticed how blue his eyes were or how cute his dumb haircut was.

I smiled. "What about your parents?" I asked.

"I don't know who they are. Some strangers took me in when I was a baby. They found me on the street." He said sadly.

"How old are you?" I continued asking questions.

"Someone's nosy." He laughed. "I'm 20, you?"

"I'm 17." I smiled again. He smiled back at me but quickly turned around and looked forward.

"Here we are!" He announced. "Thanks for helping me by the way. You really didn't have to do that."

"Hey, it's fine. You helped me so I helped you. Now, it's fair." I laughed, setting the crates down.

"Do you want to hang out again?" He asked, shyly.

"Yeah sure! When?" I asked a little too eagerly.

All of a sudden, a man emerged from the house on the hill. "Hey boy! Come up here!" He yelled at us.

"That's my boss. I have to go!" He started running up the hill.

"Wait! When can I see you again!" I yelled at Ian who quickly turned around while still running.

"Meet me at the Sea Gate at midnight! I'll see you then!" He yelled right before disappearing into the house on the hill.

"Okay." I said, quietly out loud. "Let's go home Bronze." We turned around on the path and started to make our way home.

I guess I was sneaking out of the house tonight to see Ian.

This is going to be interesting.

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