Chapter 14 - Shock

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*Ian's Point of View*

I haven't seen Lucia in almost a week. I haven't slept at all and I've been trying to figure out where her mother would have sent her.

I've been working like crazy to earn money so I could go to Rome to ask her father for help.

I spent the day packing a bag, since I was preparing for a long journey. I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

It was a short walk to the North Gate of the city from my house. I walked up to the man working at the gate.

"Where are you going Sir?" He asked me as I went through my bag to find my passport.

"Rome." I replied and handed him my passport.

"Uh.. One second please." He said and walked off to another guard. They pointed at me and before I knew it, 4 guards were walking towards me.

"Is there a problem?" I asked as they stood beside me.

"You can't leave. You are on a specific list of people who we are not allowed to leave Pompeii." A guard told me.

"Under who's' orders?" I asked.

"Mrs. Clara Aquino." One replied. "I'm sorry, we can't let you through."

"Does it say a date when I'll be allowed to leave?" I questioned.

"It's a life sentence. You'll never be allowed to leave Pompeii."

*Lucia's Point of View*

I walked around my large living room. I was bored since there was nothing to do in this mansion.

I learnt on day one that I wasn't allowed to leave the enormous home. The front door was locked and you couldn't use it unless you had a key. Which I did not. All the windows had cages on the outside of them which made it impossible to get out.

"Violet!" I yelled into the home. I have since made friends with the old lady.

"Yes Miss. Aquino?" She said as she walked into the living room.

"I've told you, please call me Lucia." I sighed.

"Right, my apologies Miss- Lucia. I'm sorry." She lowered her head.

"Don't apologize, it's just that I don't want you to think of me as your boss, I want you to think of me as your friend." I smiled and she nodded.

"I would like that." She smiled. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, a little." I shrugged.

"I'll make some lunch for the two of us." She smiled and walked off.

"Violet!" I yelled to her. "Could we go into the city today? Please! I'm losing my mind in here!"

She waited a few seconds before saying anything and I wondered if she heard me. "I suppose we could." She yelled.

We sat at the dining room and ate our sandwiches that Violet prepared.

"You won't try anything, right?" She broke the silence.

"I promise I won't try to run away." I smiled at her.

"Okay, we'll leave in a few minutes." She smiled and took our plates to the kitchen.

*Ian's Point of View*

It's been about a week since I tried leaving. I tried the other gates and they all said the same thing. I wasn't allowed to leave Pompeii.

It's been two weeks since Lucia was ripped out of my life. I miss her lips and her touch. But I am grateful that I showed her how much I loved her before she left.

I woke up suddenly and looked out the window, the sun was just rising. I yawned and got out of bed. I put some pants on and a shirt. I walked into my kitchen but stopped dead in my tracks when I felt the ground shaking.

Earthquakes were fairly common in Pompeii so I wasn't too scared. They were always minor and not a lot of damage was done. The earth stopped shaking and I calmed down but then I heard the screaming. I was confused and ran out of my house.

"Run! It's erupting!" People were yelling and running like mad men.

I looked up into the sky and saw black smoke and ash in the sky.

"Oh my god.." I said in disbelief.

Mount Vesuvius was erupting. I stood frozen in shock as people ran passed me. I looked up at the volcano and the only thing that I could think of was "I'm going to die."

*Lucia's Point of View*

"Where are we?" I asked Violet was we kept walking down a street.

"We're almost at the market." She smiled.

We continued walking until we reached the busy market. We walked through crowds of people and I continually bumped into people. I started listening to other people's conversation. I looked over to my right and saw two woman walking in the same direction as us.

"Have you heard what happened to Pompeii? It's so sad." I heard one say.

"Excuse me?" I said and put my hand on the shoulder on the lady closest to me.

"Yes?" She said.

"What happened to Pompeii?" I asked with a concerned voice.

"Haven't you heard?" The lady farthest away from me said and I shook my head. "Pompeii disappeared. Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried Pompeii forever." She explained.

"What?!" I yelled. "When?"

"Yesterday." The lady closest to me said.

"Have you heard if anyone survived?" I demanded.

"We haven't heard anything, just that Pompeii was covered in lava and ash." She explained.

I looked over at Violet who had the exact same look of shock and fear on her face as I did. I fell to my knees and broke down crying. Violet sat on the ground next to me and hugged me.

"Violet.." My voice cracked. "My mother and Ian are in Pompeii.. They could be dead." I cried harder at the thought of losing the two most important people in life.

I know my mother and I had problems. But in that moment, all I could remember was the good and happy memories. I didn't even think about the fights or the fact that she sent me far away from Pompeii.

"We should go to your father. He's still in Rome, right?" She asked and I nodded. Still crying my eyes out on the dirt covered ground.

"C'mon sweetie. Let's get out of here." She helped me up. "We have to go to Rome. There's still a chance they're both alive."

"But I'm not allowed to leave here. You already broke the rules for me. What will my mother and father do to you if they find out you disobeyed them?" I asked her, not wanted her to get punished.

"I'm pretty sure that was under a certain set of circumstances. We have to go now!" She said and she practically carried me to a horse and carriage. I wiped my eyes as I got in and sat down in the back.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"Rome, Italy." Violet said.

"That'll take about a week." He told us.

Violet handed him a wad of cash. "I think we can do better than a week."

I smiled at her. "Thank you."

"Okay, let's go to Rome." The driver said and started going full speed out of Roseville.

Shock started to set in. Along with panic and fear.

"Ian could be dead for all I know."

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