Chapter 9 - Lost

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*Lucia's Point of View*

"C'mon Ian! Let's go!" I practically yelled at him.

"No.." He groaned. "I just got here and I'm tired." He re-closed his eyes.

I silently walked over to where he was laying down and sat on his hips. I bent down and grabbed either sides of his face and kissed him passionately. About mid-kiss I stopped and got off of him. I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door.

"Okay, well I'm going to walk around Rome by myself because my boyfriend is too tired." I said, opening the door.

"Lucia, this is torture." He said, getting up and walking towards the door.

"I know. But it worked." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Don't worry, you'll get more later." I smirked.

"You're so mean." He laughed. "So where are we going." He said as we walked out of the front door of the hotel.

"I have an idea." I said.

*Ian's Point of View*

"Okay, when are we going to get there? We've been walking for ten years." I exaggerated.

"Don't worry! We'll be there soon!" She reassured me. "I think.." She mumbled.

"You're lost aren't you?" I laughed.

"Just a little." She said.

"Just a little?" I asked and she nodded.

"I think I know where we are.. But I don't recognize anything." She said.

I grabbed her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers. She looked at me and smiled and I smiled back.

We walked around, being lost, for awhile until we got tired.

"Do you want to sit down here?" I asked pointing at a bench on a street. Lucia nodded and we sat down.

She gave me a weird look for a second.

"What?" I laughed.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, setting her head on my shoulder.

"Honestly, I'm terrified of meeting your dad." I said truthfully.

"Why? You already met the bad parent, now you get to meet the good one." She said and laughed.

"Yeah, I guess your right. Can I just be myself this time?" I asked her.

She lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me for a second. She put her hand on my cheek.

"I wouldn't have it any other way Ian." She said.

I held the hand that was against my face and gave her a hug. I kissed her forehead sweetly.

"Let's go meet your dad." I said and she nodded.

We sat up and started making our way back to the hotel.

It was finally time to meet her father.

She gave me a look that said 'Are you ready?' And I nodded. I really was ready this time.

"Dad? I have someone here that you wanted to meet." She said knocking on the door.

"Yes of course! Come in you two!" I heard a man say.

Here we go. We walked into the room and we were greeted by an older man around his thirties.

"Hello Sir. My name is Ian Hecox." I stuck my hand out for him to shake.

He shook it. "Nice to meet you Ian. I'm Mr. Aquino but you can call me Samuel." He smiled and I nodded.

"Well don't just stand there! Come in!" He motioned to the room.

Lucia and I sat in a love seat and Samuel sat in a chair across the room from us.

"So Ian, tell me about yourself." He broke the silence.

"Well, I currently have a job working with a blacksmith." I started but was cut off.

"Wait what? You didn't tell me you got a job!" Lucia practically screamed with a smile on her face.

"I got the news the day before I left." I explained.

"Ian, that's amazing! We should have a celebration dinner tonight! Don't you agree dad?" She said.

"Yes of course! We can continue this conversation over dinner! I'll make the reservations for seven o'clock. I'll meet you two at the restaurant tonight. Until then, go explore!" He said, standing up.

We nodded and walked towards the door.

"We'll see you then Mr. Aqu- Samuel." I corrected myself.

"See you tonight."

Lovers In Pompeii (Ian Hecox)Where stories live. Discover now