Chapter 15 - Loss

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*Lucia's Point of View*

I laid down at the back of the carriage with my head sticking out the back of it so I could look up at the night sky.

I felt the tears falling out of the corners of my eyes but I didn't make any noise. I just cried. I lifted my head to look at Violet. She was fast asleep across from me. We haven't stopped driving for two days. We were about halfway there and I couldn't take it any longer, I needed to find Ian.

I haven't really said much for awhile and Violet has been completely understanding and hasn't pushed me to talk about it.

I looked up at the stars and started to let my mind wonder. Could Ian see the same stars that I could? Or was he buried under lava and ash? Maybe he was in his house when the lava started to flood in and then he realized it was too late. Was I the last thing he thing he thought about? Or maybe it was his parents.

I didn't realize how tired I was until I started feeling myself falling asleep. Eventually I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to Violet shaking me awake.

"What? What's wrong!?" I yelled.

"Nothing! We're here!" She yelled at me and pointed to around me.

"What? How? We were only halfway there when I fell asleep last night." I said, really confused.

"Honey, you've been asleep for two days. I just couldn't wake you. I knew it would be easier for you to sleep instead of stay awake and worry." She explained and helped me out of the carriage.

"Thank you." I smiled at her.

"Well, let's go find your father." She said.

We walked into the hotel and asked a staff member for my fathers room. Violet let me go in by myself. I ran all the way to his room and then burst through the door.

"Daddy?" I yelled as tears fell from my eyes.

He was looking out his window when I ran in. When he saw me, tears started falling down his cheeks and he ran over to me.

"Lucia!" He yelled and pulled me into a tight embrace. We stayed in each other's arms for a minute. The thought hit me. He might be all I have left.

"I'm so happy you're hear Lucia." He said as he let go of me and wiped his eyes.

"Me too dad. Have you heard anything about mom?" I asked carefully.

He looked at me and immediately started crying again. He pulled me into another hug and he rested his head on top of mine.

"Your mother.. She didn't make it. I'm so so sorry Lucia." He said slowly, choking on every word that came out of his mouth.

"Oh my god.." I said and started crying again. "We lost mom.." I fell to my knees and broke down.

I have never felt so alone in my life. I lost the woman who gave birth to me. She shaped me into the woman I am today. She was my best friend for a long time. We had our fights, as did every mother and daughter but what really hurt, is that we didn't exactly leave on good terms.

After awhile, I stood up and looked at dad directly in his bloodshot eyes.

"Have you heard anything about Ian?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I asked every reliable source I had and we don't know where he was at the time of the eruption." I started taking deep breaths. "Lucia, that could be a good thing." He said and pulled me into another tight hug.

"I've never loved anyone as much as I love him daddy. He's my everything. I can't lose him.." I sniffled.

"Maybe you haven't Lucia. We received word that a group of survivors may have escaped to Little Town." He said. "We can leave right now if you want. It would only be about an hour journey."

"Okay. Let's go." I said, extremely sure that I was ready to find out if he was alive or not.

We quickly left the room and found Violet in the main room of the hotel. We grabbed the nearest carriage and began the short journey.

I introduced Violet to my father and they started talking, leaving me to my own thoughts.

When we arrived, I jumped out of the carriage and ran to where Dad told me all of the survivors were.

"Ian! Ian! Are you in here?" I yelled into the room of people who looked at me like I was crazy.

I ran around the room and looked at every face. I saw women, men and a few children. I even saw a childhood friend but I was too busy to talk to him. After I went around the room several times, I gave up. Ian isn't here.

I took a seat outside the building and waited for Violet and father to show up. A few minutes later they walked up to me. They had a look on their face that told me that they knew I didn't find him.

"He wasn't here. Was he?" My father asked and I shook my head and let a few tears fall from the corners of my eyes.

"God dammit!" Violet yelled. She crouched in front of me. "You know Lucia, sometimes life will kick you down and beat you up. And you're the only one who has the power to stand up and fight back."

"What are you saying?" I asked her.

"I'm trying to say that, this doesn't mean he didn't make it out. Maybe he did. Maybe he escaped to a different town. And we're going to make god damn sure that if he did, we will find him. We aren't giving up without a fight and you know Ian wouldn't either." She said and I smiled.

"You're right Violet. We'll check every square inch of every town within ten miles of Pompeii." I said, slightly happier.

"If he's alive, we're going to find him."

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