Chapter 7 - Goodbyes and Hellos

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*Ian's Point of View*

C'mon Ian! Just do it! Just kiss her! Why am I so nervous all of a sudden? Maybe seeing her, seeing how beautiful she looks, gives me butterflies.




My lips crashed into hers. Her immediate react was shocked, but it slowly faded and she melted into the kiss. I lost track of time and when we pulled away I almost forgot what day it was and what my name was.

"Ian.. Woah." She breathed. "Where did that come from?"

"I couldn't find the words so this was the next best thing." I paused for awhile. "Lucia, you drive me crazy. In more ways than one. Every time I see you, all I want to do is tell you how beautiful you are and how I feel about you. Every time you talk, I forget what I was thinking about and just listen to your voice. I never thought that I would ever like you. Before we met, you were just the rich girl that lived on top of the hill. I'm so sorry, there is so much more to you than that."

"Ian, you are the nicest, sweetest and most caring guy I've ever met. But, I hope you realize that this" She motioned to between us. "Will only complicate our situation. Now that there's feeling involved, it'll make it even harder to stay away from each other. Not to mention, I'm leaving in a few hours." She finished.

"I know this doesn't make anything easier but I'd rather have you know how I feel about you than us being friends forever. Plus, you're not leaving forever! I'll see you in a month, max." I kissed her forehead.

"We should go, it'll be morning soon." She said and I nodded, standing up.

We packed up the blankets and the leftover food. I said I'd walk her home since it was still night and it's still dangerous on the streets. When we arrived, it was a bitter-sweet moment. A part of me was over-joyed that she liked me back but a bigger part was depressed she was leaving in a few hours.

"Lucia, I have something for you." She nodded. "It's a promise ring. I know it's going to get complicated but that won't change my feelings for you and I need you to know that." I said. She put her hand up to her mouth in shock and stuck her hand out. I put the ring on her finger and kissed her.

"It's perfect Ian. I love it." She wiped some tears from her eyes. "I'll see you in a few weeks."

"Promise?" I questioned.

"Pinky promise." She said with a smile on her face.

*Lucia's Point of View*

It took two days to arrive in Rome. Rome was gorgeous at this time of the year, which was early May. This city was even busier than Pompeii, but it was busy for a completely different reason. All of Italy traveled here for the gladiator fights. Which I, couldn't stand they were terrible and inhumane.

"Hi Dad." I said as I approached him in the city's centre.

"Hello honey, how are you?" He said with me in his arms.

"Tired." I said simply.

"Then, let's go to the hotel and you can tell me all about what I've been missing at home." I nodded and we started walking.

We found the hotel and my father followed me to my room so we could talk.

"So, tell me why your mother thought it was necessary for you to come out here to spend two weeks with me." He broke the silence.

I groaned. Typical mother, only telling half the story.

"I made a new friend that she didn't approve of." I said.

"Why wouldn't she approve of this friend? If you like them, that's all that matters." He said, my father and myself were very alike and thought the same way.

"Well, he's a boy and he doesn't have a lot of money." I explained.

"Ah. That explains it. So, tell me about this boy." He said and I smiled.

"Well, his name is Ian Hecox. He's insanely sweet and caring. He's really funny and adventurous. He could cheer the world up with just his smile. He has this funny haircut and a goofy smile. He understands me more than anyone. Sorry Dad." I laughed. "He always willing to help anyone and has no problem doing whatever you need him to do. He's amazing Dad." I said with a big smile on my face the entire time.

"You obviously like this boy. Don't you?" He said.

"Yeah. Yeah, I like him a lot." I said.

"So how have you been seeing him? Since Mother doesn't approve." He asked.

"Can you keep a secret? You have to promise not to tell her!" I practically yelled.

"I promise." He said with a hand over his heart and one hand in the air.

"I sneak out in the middle of the night to meet him outside the city or near one of the Gates. And sometimes we meet up in the market in the morning." I laughed.

"I see. Has the boy ever travelled?" He asked me with a sudden seriousness in his voice. I shook my head. "Then I need you to do me something Lucia." He said.

"Of course Dad, whatever you need, you know I'll do anything for you in a heartbeat." I said, completely serious. It sounded like something was majorly wrong.

"I need you to write this boy Ian, a letter saying that you urgently need him in Rome and that someone will come pick him up in three days to bring him here, to Rome." He said.

I jumped out of my chair. "Are you serious?" I yelled.

He nodded. "If this boy means that much to you, I need to meet him."

I pulled him up from his chair and hugged him tightly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I screamed.

"You're welcome Princess."

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