What I Deserve

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Each and every time I read your comments I almost cry! I've never met such nice readers and I feel like you guys are family to me.But please tell me which cover you like from the previous chapter so I can see how to tweak it.Those are rough copies and I just need a general vote but here's a few shout outs like always :) We're almost at 10k guys!!!! Thank you so much xoxo.





I heard him before I saw him.His feet shuffled through a few leaves that had fallen around the tree's near our picnic and from the way Hoseok and I were sitting I could see his face scrunch up in confusion when he saw how close we were. Hoseok stood up a few seconds later motioning me to follow his lead once he heard the noise.

"Hyung what are you doing here,"he asked,nervousness laced in his words because he had lied about where he was this morning.

"Hyun-Jae needs to come with me,"Yoongi replied in a hard tone.His response made Hoseok even more confused causing him to open his mouth again but I quickly cut him off.

"Yoongi we can talk later,"I hissed stepping in-front of Hoseok while crossing my arms.

"No I'm telling you that you're coming with me now,"he snapped jerking forwards as he spoke.I felt Hoseok wrap is hand around my arm pulling me back into his chest a little bit.

"Hyung she said she can talk to you in a little bit.We're kind of busy right now,"Hoseok butted in trying to soothe the tension.

Yoongi looked behind us at his words and shook his head letting out a cynical laugh.He drug his hands through his hair tugging it at the root seeming to contemplate what to do next."I'm not going to ask you again.Lets go,"he demanded lighting a fire inside of me. How dare he have the audacity to command me to do something.

"You are not going to sit here and demand anything of me."I retorted while pointing my finger at him."You haven't been in my life for over four years now and just because you found out the truth doesn't mean I will drop everything to explain it to you.So I suggest you go home and wait until I decide to call you before talking to me like that ever again.There were reasons I kept it from you for so long and here's one of them right now. So goodbye."

I took a few seconds to catch my breath while I waited for him to say anything back,instead he shook his head again and turned back towards the path he took to get here. Yoongi had his hands clenched down at his sides like he was refraining himself from turning back around.Until he could calmly approach me like the adult he is then we wouldn't be having a conversation at all.

When he was far enough away I turned to see Hoseok sitting down on the blanket enjoying one of the sandwiches.He seemed content munching away on the food and didn't seem bothered with what had conspired just a few minutes ago.I waved my hand out in front of me to try and get his attention.Once he finally noticed me he smiled very cheekily up at me with a mouth full of food.

"It's good."He defended but the words came out muffled and hard to figure out.I laughed at him instead of saying anything and took my place beside him reaching for my own sandwich.I still hadn't finished surveying all the rest of the delicious food in front of me.We sat in silence for what seemed like was an eternity but in reality was only ten minutes before Hoseok asked the question I knew he had been dying to ask.

"So why did Yoongi hyung show up here like that for.He seemed really mad?"

"Well it's really complicated and I'm not so sure you have the time to listen to my sob story,"I mumbled hoping he would agree and not ask anymore questions.

"For you I have all the time in the world."

"Well so you know how I've never mentioned anything about Hae-Won's father at all since we've met,"I said testing the waters.His head nod motioned for me to continue."So there's really no point in beating around the bush since everyone in the group knows except you but Yoongi is Hae-Won's father."

I closed my eye's after the confession expecting a big commotion from him but was only met with silence.When I decided it was safe to judge his reaction I opened my eye's and saw him starring at me sadly.Confused I asked"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm sorry you had to go through that by yourself.Seeing how old Hae-Won is you must have gotten pregnant right before we all started really training,"He said as I just nodded.

"It was so hard to not tell him but he left me there.I knew I couldn't compromise his dream for a kid I figured he didn't even want.So I kept it a secret and had help from my family."Tears poured out the more I told him and it was all I could do to hold in everything.I wrapped my arms around my body trying to soothe myself when I felt another pair pull me close. Hoseok pushed my head against his chest while whispering softly in my ear to try and calm me down.

"You are an amazing mom Hyun-Jae and no one can take that away from you.I don't blame you from keeping that from him.He'll come around soon enough after you both sit down and talk things out.Now cheer up and let me see that beautiful smile I love so much,"He cooed making me smile.

Hoseok was just such a warm person and he had this persona about him that made everyone want to be around him.I remember reading stuff online about fans calling him the sun of BTS. Sitting here with him now made me realize how true this was.If there was one member of BTS I would want in my life forever it would be Hoseok. 

"So are you ever going to tell me whats in the bag you've been hiding behind you,"I said being noisy while also trying to change the subject.

"Oh I almost forgot.Here you go!"

I carefully opened the sparkly bag and removed the extra packing paper to reveal a small box.I slowly opened the red box to find a silver necklace with two H's encased inside a heart.It was beautiful to say the least and one of the most magnificent gifts I had received in my life.

"Hoseok this is so pretty! Why did you give this to me?"

"Well I guess since you told me a secret today I figure I might as well confess something to you too. I like you Hyun-Jae.I like you a lot,"Hoseok confessed leaving shocked as my heart began to speed up at his words.

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