New Perspective

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So turns out I'm not going to King's Island but its a little cold today so I don't really mind. Plus I have some work I have to catch up on for my anatomy and physiology class.  Anyways I really liked how supportive everyone was of the last chapter and the comments really made my day!Here's my shout-outs by the way :)

Oh can you guys tell me where you're from? I'm really curious :)





Yoongi's POV

For almost the past two weeks I've felt like I was losing my mind. From finding out that I had a four year old daughter to seeing all the hate Hyun-Jae was getting because of me really made me question my career. Between being successful  and making a decent share of money it would seem like I had it all. Some fans see us as music making machines or only like certain members because of how they look but fail to see what we all long for. A real family. 

Taehyung and Jungkook probably not as much since they are the youngest but more than once I've seen some of the others look up pictures of babies or baby names. None of us are getting any younger and knowing that I already have my own family right in front of me seemed to fill a void I never knew existed. The only thing stopping me from having a family was Hoseok. I understand maybe at first liking Hyun-Jae because she was just a cute single mom but she gave birth to my daughter and enough was enough.

Earlier after Hyun-Jae had come over confessing the intense hate she was getting, I decided to leave to make an important call to fix this situation once and for all.

"Ah Yoongi! To what do I owe the pleasure of this call so late in the evening,"Hitman Bang asked through the other end of the phone.

"So I'm sure Namjoon informed you about my daughter."I started cautiously hoping Namjoon had actually made that call over a week ago and I wasn't just dropping new information on him.

"Yes he did. A cute little four year old is how he described her to me,"He laughed before continuing."I'm guessing some stuff has been happening that you want me to fix?"

"Not exactly.I was thinking it was time to let the public know. I don't want information leaked and it make us look bad. I'm worried about something happening to the girls and I couldn't live with myself if they got hurt because of me,"I confessed getting straight to the point. The CEO was silent for a few seconds on the other side causing my nerves to double.

"Just tell me what you want the announcement to say and I'll have it done in a few minutes,"Hitman agreed as he listened to my specific details for the tabloids.

After I received the alert on my phone I decided to go let everyone know. When I rounded the wall  I saw everyone splayed out on the couches watching Moana,halting my plans for awhile. I headed for the empty seat next to Hae-Won who was snuggled up against Taehyung's side. She smiled up at me briefly once I sat down but quickly focused back on the movie.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hoseok lean into Hyun-Jae whispering something into her ear. Against the faint light of the TV screen I saw her cheeks redden ever so slightly. Anger bubbled up inside me and I couldn't help myself by opening my mouth to say something.

Just as I was about to speak my first wrath filled words Hyun-Jae glanced down at her phone with a look of shock. She finally got the announcement. Her eye's quickly followed over the words before she glanced right at me, astonishment evident in her features.

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