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Maya's POV

As I walk back home on the sandy sidewalk, a smile comes across my face. "What just happened?" I think to myself.

It feels like there are waves in my stomach, similar to having butterflies.

I make it to my house and walk across my front lawn and open the garage.

I put my board back up on the shelf and head inside.

"Hey I'm home!" I yell out.

"Hey sunshine we're in the living room!" My dad calls back.

I walk into my living room and see my dad and Beau sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Did you get any big waves?" Beau asks me with excitement.

"Yeah I did it was a really good day today, I knew that I would get killer waves." I say with a laugh and a big smile.

"I think your going to be famous one day" Beau says with a missing front tooth smile.

"Awwww thanks little bro" I say giving him a hug and kiss on his forehead.

"Well I'm going to go get in the shower" I say tiredly.

"Okay honey" my dad says with a light smile.

I head upstairs to my bedroom and set my backpack down and head for the shower.

I slip out of my swim suit and turn the shower on, getting it to the temperature that I want.

I hop in and let the warm water hit my skin, wetting my hair next.

I notice that there is sand all over me which makes me smile, reminding me of another quote that's on my bathroom wall.

"Sand in my shower means I had a good day."

As I am thinking about that, Logan begins to wander through my mind.

I can feel my face getting hot, causing me to bite my lip. I can't stop the smile that comes across my face.

"I hope I see him again, he seems like such a nice guy and he's so hot.

I begin to wash my hair, my body next Logan never leaving my mind.

I turn off the water and hop out wrapping a towel around me.

Shivering a little, I hurry to my room to change into my pajamas and get ready for bed.

I slip into one of my favorite pairs of leggings, and favorite T-Shirt and go downstairs to say goodnight to dad and Beau.

"Hey I'm headed to bed goodnight boys" I say blowing them kisses.

"Goodnight sweetheart sweet dreams" dad says with a tired smile.

"Goodnight Maya love you" Beau says blowing me a kiss back.

"Goodnight dork" I say with a sleepy laugh and a light smile.

I head back upstairs realizing I forgot to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I go back into my bathroom, first brushing my teeth then washing my face next.

Feeling fresh and clean and feeling a wave of exhaustion come over me, I head for my bedroom door and crawl into my bed.

Being a surfer makes your whole body feel like noddles sometimes.

I lay my head down on my pillow and listen to the soft waves crash onto the shore.

It doesn't take long for Logan to come to my mind again.

Makes me wonder if he's doing the same thing, laying in his bed thinking about me.

With that my eyelids become heavy and I drift off to sleep.

Suddenly I find myself in a dream.

I was running on the beach laughing with a big smile on my face. Then Logan appears he's chasing me.

"Your never gonna catch me!" I yell to Logan.

"We'll see about that!" Logan yells back not to far behind me.

Next thing I know I feel his arms wrapped around me from behind. I scream with laughter and somehow I end up on top of him in the sand.

I look into his hazel eyes as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

Next thing I know his lips collide with mine as the tide comes in and out, with a colorful sunset above.

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