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We arrive at Diamond beach ten minutes before the competition is set to start.

"Let's go find my dad and Beau" I say to Logan with my surf board tucked underneath my arm, while Logan carries my backpack for me.

We walk down the long sandy concrete steps down to the beach.

When our feet touch the sand, the beach is just a sea of people.

"Crap how are we going to find my dad and Beau" I say to Logan with wide eyes.

"We need to try and find them fast we're running out of time and I don't want you to be disqualified" Logan says a little worried.

We begin searching, our eyes scanning the beach in every direction.

"I see them!" I say with a relieved voice as I grab Logan's hand.

"There you are!" My dad says happily as Beau comes up and hugs me.

"Okay sunshine you better wax up your board we only have five minutes." Dad says grabbing my wax out of my backpack and handing it to me.

My dad notices that me and Logan are holding hands but he says nothing.

Just as I finish waxing up my board, the horn goes off for everyone to start heading down to the water.

"You ready sunshine?" Dad asks rubbing my shoulder smiling.

"As Ready as I'll ever be" I say with a nervous sigh looking out to the ocean.

"You'll be amazing I know it" Logan says kissing me on my forehead, making my dads brows raise.

"Your gonna kill it!" Beau says excitedly smiling up at me with his missing teeth smile.

"Awww thanks little bro" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.

The last horn blows meaning that every surfer needs to be out there.

"Okay gotta go" I say running down to the ocean with my board in hand.

I get down to the ocean and let it touch my toes, as I take a deep breath before entering the cold water.

I begin to walk out as the water starts to come up higher and higher on my body, once it's deep enough I hop on my board and paddle out.

I stop where everyone else has stopped and wait for the first wave to come.

Surfing competitions are about the survival of the fittest, it's about who can get the most waves and who has the most talent.

The ocean seems like it's being stubborn and deciding that it wants to be still.

But that's when the best waves are coming that's what my dad taught me.

As I'm sitting on my board waiting I stretch out my hand putting it over the water.

"Somethings coming" I think to myself getting ready to begin to paddle.

I get back on my belly and start to paddle out as fast as I can, the other girls confused as they don't see what I see.

I duck dive coming up to the surface to get ready to stand as the wave begins to form.

I come from my belly, to my knees and then to my feet standing up now catching my first wave of the day.

"Maya Brown catching the first wave of the day, I don't know how she saw it coming" one of the announcers says as I ride my wave.

"Yes!" That's my girl my dad says as Logan and Beau cheer with big smiles on their faces.

I wipe out coming up to the surface with a smile on my face knowing that I just caught the first wave of the day.

"Nice ride by Maya Brown she is definitely going to give some tough competition today" the second announcer says.

The other girls begin to catch waves, the competition really heating up now.

Everyone sits and waits again as the ocean becomes calm again.

Suddenly I feel this strange energy coming through the ocean making my board go up and down a little.

"Something big is coming I can feel it" I think to myself waiting for the moment to begin paddling out.

I begin to paddle out as I can feel the wave coming soon.

"Maya Brown is paddling out again what does she see?" I hear one of the announcer guys say with a confused tone in his voice.

I see the wave beginning to form as I duck dive getting closer to it.

I stand up beginning to ride the wave, I look behind me and this wave is massive.

"Maya Brown has just caught a impressive wave again I don't know how she saw that coming"

"Yeah your right this wave is a tidal wave she is sure a gifted surfer" the second announcer says responding to the first, sounding shocked.

As I am riding the wave successfully, white water comes from behind knocking me down like a pile of bricks.

The wave begins to roll me along with my board still attached to my leg, making it almost impossible for me to come up to the surface.

As I come back up to the surface another wave crashes over me pushing me back down.

I am being thrown all over the place like there's a tornado underwater sucking me in.

I once again reach the surface barely catching a breath before a third wave plunges me down.

I try to keep fighting to come up to the surface, but the water is just too aggressive.

The next thing I know everything goes black.

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