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After what felt like an eternity being cuddled up next to Logan watching the morning sky, the sun begins to rise. Golden rays erupting from beneath the horizon.

The golden rays illuminate our faces, and fill our eyes with golden light. Making every strand of our hair glow like a lit fire.

The waves look like glass as the golden rays ignite through them. The waves become more alive as the day begins. Morning mist fills the air, the scent of fresh salt hitting our noses instantly. As surfers this was the best way to wake up. 

"We should get going" Logan whispers in my ear kissing my neck. "Good idea don't want to get too carried away again" I say winking at Logan.

"True don't tempt me baby girl" Logan says looking at me deeply thirst in his voice. I nearly almost jump in lap and kiss his lips. But instead I give him a kiss on the cheek and stroke his soft messy brown hair.

"Are you trying to make me stay here with you forever?" Logan says softly kissing my forehead. "Maybe" I say in a tone a little higher than my regular voice. "Your crazy" Logan says giggling. "And I'm obsessed with you" Logan says bitting his lip lifting my chin to kiss me.

"Okay loser we need to go before people start showing up on this beach and looking at us like we made out here all night long." I say giggling looking into Logans deep brown eyes, a little brighter from the now risen sun. "What if we did?" Logan says jokingly looking at me lustfully. "Is this an idea?" I say biting my lip. "Maybe" Logan says mocking me. "Okay dork lets go for reals" I say rolling my eyes.

We head back to Logan's house so we can get ready and make it back to the beach where we are going to spend our day walking on the pier. I couldn't wait to hold his hand and see everything that there is to see, in the bright sun and waves crashing down below.

I slip on my favorite new sun dress and my pair of white Berkinstocks and put on favorite jewelry. Next I put my makeup on and re curl some pieces of my hair. Last I spritz on some of my perfume and take one last look in the mirror. Just as I'm doing that, Logan walks into the bathroom.

"You look beautiful" Logan says standing behind me running his hands down my hips. Shivers send down my spine and butterflies take over my body. 

The next thing I know I turn to face him. His hands still placed on my hips his gaze never leaving me. He begins to kiss me softly holding my face in his hands. I want this moment to last forever its pure gold and Logan is a dream.

"You ready to go handsome?" I say laying my head down on his chest for a moment, smelling his fresh colgne that nearly makes me loose my mind being in pure heaven. "Yes princess I'm ready if you are" Logan says kissing my warm cheeks. He takes my hand and interlaces his hand in mine. I look up at him and smile and he squeeses my hand. I grab my purse and we head out the door.

We walk hand and hand down to the pier. We make it there and step onto the sandy wood. It was such a perfect day, the sun was bright and warm but not too hot. And the waves beneath us were alive with the new day. We walk all the way down to the very end of the pier, still hand in hand looking out to the blue sea.

The breeze flows through our hair, bringing up the fresh smell of the sea. Just as me and Logan are both dazed from the trance of the ocean, suddenly a big rock appears form a crashing wave passing by. On the rock there were two big starfish. One was bright purple and the other bright orange. Just then I shout: "Logan look!" Me and Logan both stand there in awe of the two sea creatures. "Awe Logan look it looks like they're holding hands" I say with a sweet tone in my voice. "Hey they're just like us" Logan says smiling while we both look down at our hands still interlaced.

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