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Maya's POV

I make it back to my house and walk across my front lawn to my front door.

I walk in and see my dad sitting in the living room.

"You forgot to call me that makes me nervous when you do that."

"I know I forgot sorry dad" I say trying to sound apologetic.

"It's okay just try not to forget next time" dad says with a light smile.

"I won't" I say smiling back.

"So about that ice cream date... well I ran into Logan and I got in line to buy my swim suit, and he was right in front of me."

"So he ended up buying my swim suit along with his. I tried to stop him but he did it anyways. I felt so bad especially cause we just met literally yesterday."

"He said his friend is having a party at the beach tonight and he asked me if I would be his date and I said yes."

"Woah slow down your not going anywhere with him until I meet him"

"I know dad your gonna meet him when he comes to pick me up at 6:30" I say reassuring him.

"Okay good you had me worried there" my dad said with a relived voice.

"Okay well I'm going to go hop in the shower and get ready" I say blushing.

"Okay sunshine" dad responds smiling at me knowing that I have a crush on him.

Logan's POV

I walk inside my front door and walk into the kitchen to find both of my parents making dinner.

"Hey I'm back" I say with a smile and pink cheeks.

"Hey sweetie" mom says with a lively voice.

"How was shoppin?" My dad asks with a curious voice and a smile to follow.

"It was really good" I say with that same smile still spread across my face.

"So you know that girl I met yesterday? Well I just ran into her when I was down there. She was buying a swim suit too and happened to be right behind me in line."

"I wouldn't of probably noticed her unless she said my name."

"I bought her swim suit and mine because that's the right thing to do, and I just wanted to."

"So we followed each other outside and she thanked me for buying her swim suit she felt bad, I thought it was cute normally girls could care less when it comes to a guy buying them clothes, or anything.

"I then told her that my friend was having a party at the beach tonight and I asked her out."

"She said yes" as I say that I can feel my face turn hot and can't help the smile that comes across my face again.

"Good for you son" she seems like a nice girl.

"I'm so happy for you and I'm so proud of you for being a gentleman that's my boy."

My mom says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Awwwww you guys stop it, I'm just following your teachings" I say giving them both a hug and kiss.

"Well you can't go on a date if you don't go get ready" my mom says joking.

"True I'm going to go shower" I say with a small chuckle.

"I better hurry so I'm not late to pick her up, girls don't like it when guys are late which is understandable" I think to myself as I walk up the stairs to my bathroom to take a shower.

Maya's POV

I get out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me trying to decide what I'm going to wear tonight.

I go to my closet and start to flip through my clothes.

I come across my new cream off the shoulder dress that I haven't worn yet.

"Perfect" thinking to myself with a light smile on my face and warm cheeks.

I drop my towel and get into my bralett and underwear and slip on my dress.

I sit at my vanity and begin to do my hair and make up.

I start on my hair doing the beach waves again. Doing my make up next.

I stand up from my vanity chair and look at myself form the mirror on the back of my bedroom door.

A light smile comes across my face as I run my hands down my hips admiring my dress.

Just as I'm standing in the mirror, I get a text from Logan.

"Hey cutie I'm on my way can't wait to see you"

Reading his words I feel those waves in my stomach again, causing me to twirl around love stricken. And giving me flushed cheeks as I look into the mirror again.

"Can't wait to see you too" I reply back biting my lip.

I sit on my bed to wait until he gets here, feeling a lot more nerves now.

I hear the door bell ring "he's here!" I think to myself feeling my heart speed up. I felt like it was going to pound out of my chest.

I hear dads footsteps as he walks to open the door.

"Hey Logan I'm Maya's dad Mike come on in!" I hear my dad say in a cheery voice.

"Nice to meet you sir" Logan says nervously.

I know what's going to happen next, my dad is going to ask Logan to tell him about himself which could take a couple of minutes.

As I sit on my bed waiting for them to finish up, I can't shake the nerves. I've never felt this way before and I've dated plenty of guys.

"Well it was good meeting you Logan, treat my daughter well." I hear my dad say with a slightly intimidating tone in his voice.

"It's time" I think to myself nervous but excited at the same time.

"I will sir you don't have to worry" I hear Logan say in a calm voice.

"I trust you you seem like a nice kid" my dad says with a hopeful voice.

"I will go up and get her, hopefully she'll be ready" my dad jokes.

Dad lightly knocks on my door, "you can come in dad"

"You ready princess?" Dad asks as he sits next to me on my bed.

"Yeah I'm ready" I say with a nervous sigh as I stand up from my bed and check the mirror one last time.

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