35 1 0

"Where are you young lady!"

"At Logan's still" I text back preparing myself for the worst.

"What?!? Why did you not come home last night when I told you to?!?"

"I'm screwed" I say to Logan with a worried tone in my voice, realizing I'm still sitting on top of him.

"Why?" Logan asks tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Because I was supposed to be home at 12:00 last night and I forgot." I say laying my head down on his chest with a long sigh.

"Oh shit I'm such idiot" Logan says putting a hand oh his forehead.

"It's not your fault it's mine, I knew I was supposed to be home at 12:00 but I didn't I just... I just couldn't leave you." I say looking out the window.

"I know the feeling" Logan says looking at me with his deep hazel eyes stroking my cheek.

"Your not making this any easier" I say with a sigh laying down on his chest.

"I could just stay right here and lay with you all day" I say burying my face in his neck.  

"Same babe" Logan says rubbing my back.

"What the hell am I going to say to him? I can't tell him that we... I trail off blushing trying to hide the smile that is spreading across my face.

"No one will know" Logan says kissing me now sitting on top of me. 

Just as Logan begins to kiss my neck, I hear my phone ding.

"Come home now!!!"

"I have to go" I say looking up at Logan running my fingers through his hair.

"Okay I'll take you home" Logan says with a sad tone in his voice.

We get out bed both of our hair all over the place, messy from sleep.

I notice Logan staring at me as I slip on my shoes and grab my swim suit top.

"What?" I question blushing.

"You just look so damn cute in my T-Shirt" Logan says biting his lip.

"Awwww your cute" I say kissing him softly as the morning sun comes through the curtains.

"Let's get you home before your dad kills me" Logan says laughing our noses still touching from the previous kiss.

Logan picks me up in his arms to carry me downstairs. I laugh as I bury my face in his neck.

He's so buff I can feel his muscles tighten around me as I am in his arms.

He opens the front door and carries me to the car, he opens the passengers seat door and sets me down giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I look at him blushing as I buckle up.

Logan climbs in on his side and starts backing out of the driveway.

He interlaces my hand in his smiling with tired eyes and continues to drive down the road.

"I'm really sorry Maya" Logan says looking at me again with almost a frown on his face.

"It's not your fault you don't have to worry, I did this this was my idea not yours" I say squeezing his hand trying to comfort him.

"But I could've stopped you and told you that you needed to go home but I didn't." Logan says with a guilty tone in his voice.

"But we didn't and I don't care it was worth it, no matter the consequence". I say looking at him blushing so much that I had to look away.

"I agree all the way but, I don't want you to get in trouble because of me." Logan says letting his eyes drift looking out the window.

"It's not because of you, it's because of us we obviously couldn't resist each other." I say winking at him laughing.

"Pretty much sums it up" Logan says biting his lip looking out the window again.

Both of our cheeks become rosy from our conversation as we drive down the road almost to my house.

Both of us sigh a "not happy sigh" as Logan pulls into my driveway.

We sit there for a moment not saying anything, not wanting to leave each other.

"I'll walk you up" Logan says looking down at the floor.

I could sense that there was something wrong.

"Hey what's wrong? I can see it in your face, you can tell me anything I'm here."

"Logan tell me what's up" I say turning his face toward mine so I can look him in the eyes. 

"I'm just worried that your dad is never going to let me see you again, since I didn't get you home when you were supposed to. And I don't blame him I should've respected that."

"I'm not going to let that happen" I say resting my head on his.

"We better go now" I say in a quiet voice and a long sigh to follow.

Logan gets out and comes over to open the door for me, and takes my hand and leads me to my front door.

We stand there on my porch unable to move almost like someone glued our feet to the concrete steps.

"Text you as soon as I can" I say pecking him softly on the lips.

"Okay sounds good" Logan says kissing me on the forehead before turning to leave.

I watch him drive away, and walk inside not knowing how mad my dad is going to be.

I walk in the living room and see him sitting on the couch with his arms folded angrily.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Dad says with rage.

"Dad I can explain"

"Okay get explaining then" dad says with raised eyebrows and his arms still folded across his chest.

"When we got to his house we were so tired that we both just passed out we were exhausted." I say trying to sound as honest as I possibly could.

"You have better slept separately" dad says intensely.

"We did I slept in his bed and he slept on the couch downstairs in the living room" I lie praying that he'll buy it.

"Good I believe you but your grounded until Saturday, also meaning you can't see Logan for a while until I say so".

It could have been worse I could've not been able to see him ever again and been grounded for longer, so I'll take it.

"Okay fine" I say with a sigh rubbing my hands over my eyes.

"What you did was not okay I was worried sick about you, I didn't know if something bad happened to you." Dad says with a more worried tone in his voice.

"And if you do it again you won't be seeing Logan ever again, he doesn't seem like the greatest influence on you, so be careful of the choices you make I'll be watching." Dad says looking me deep in the eyes.

"Okay it won't I promise" I say knowing that I probably can't make that promise.

With that I go up to my room and lay on my bed still in Logan's T-Shirt.

Sorry this chapter was so long!! I had a lot to pack in hope you guys like it! 😁😊❤️

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