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Maya's POV

I wake on a Saturday morning with the sunshine poking through my curtains.

"I slept in today maybe it was because of that dream" I think to myself smiling uncontrollably.

I look at my phone to see what time it is, my clock reads 10:30.

"I should get up and go down and eat breakfast" thinking to myself.

I get out from underneath my covers and head for the kitchen.

"Morning sleepy head" my dad says happily.

"You slept forever!" Beau says with wide eyes sitting at the kitchen island.

"Yeah guess I did" I say with my morning voice.

I turn my eyes to the kitchen floor, trying to hide my flushed cheeks. I haven't been able to get that dream off my mind since I woke up.

Instantly my dad notices.

"Anything you need to tell me?" He questions.

"Okay fine there's something that I didn't tell you about yesterday." I say a little nervously still looking down at the floor beneath me.

After a short pause, I begin by saying: "I met a guy at the beach yesterday when I was leaving to come home."

"Oohhhh Maya has a boyfriend" Beau teases.

"Do not" I say nudging his arm lightly. "I wish" I silently think to myself.

"Do tell" my dad says with a sly smile on his face.

"Okay so I was catching my last wave, then I wiped out and started to paddle in".

"As I got closer to the beach I saw him."

"When I got to the shore I decided to go up and talk to him."

"When I got up to him I just told him that he missed all the good waves."

"He said that I was really tearing it up out there."

"Then he asked for my name, then I asked for his".

"So what's his name?" My dad asks curiously.


"Logan what?" Beau asks also curious.

"I don't know his last name neither of us asked, we just said our first names."

"Oh okay well at least you know his first name" my dad says winking at me.

"So yeah that's pretty much it, I think last night when I came home I just was so tired that I forgot to tell you guys about it."

"So you never got each others numbers?" My dad asks with a chuckle.

"Nope I wish though" I say with a sigh.

"Well that's okay it happens if he goes to Diamond Beach again and you happen to be there the same time he is, maybe you could get each other's numbers" my dad says with the "you have a crush on him" voice.

"Yeah that's true or maybe I'll just see him around town sometime and get his number then" I say with a hopeful tone in my voice.

"Well I'm going to make some eggs and toast, then get ready. I'm just gonna go shopping for a bit."

"Okay then maybe when you get home we can go get some ice cream or something, sound good?" My dad asks us knowing we'll say yes.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Beau says with excitement.

"Yeah sounds good" I reply in a cheery voice.

After finishing my breakfast I head upstairs to get ready.

Walking into my bedroom, I head straight for my closet.

Flipping through my clothes I decide to wear my high waisted denim shorts and one of my casual T-Shirts.

I slip out of my pj's and get into my shorts and T-Shirt and decide to wear my checkered Vans.

Today I decided to put my hair down and put some of my beach wave hair product in.

Next I do my make up but take my time a little bit.

I slip on my Vans once I'm done with my make up, grab my phone and purse and head downstairs.

"I'm heading out!" I yell when I'm at the bottom of the stair case.

"Okay call me when your on your way home!" Dad yells back.

"K I will!" And with that I go out the garage door and grab my longboard.

There's this surf shop that I love and it's not to far from Diamond Beach so I decided just to longboard down there, since it was a nice day today. It wasn't too hot and there was a cool breeze it was perfect weather.

I open the garage and close it behind me and head for the side walk.

I start long boarding down the sandy sidewalk until I make it to the shop.

I pick up my board and go straight for the swim suit rack.

Flipping through the swim suits one catches my eye so I decide to go try it on. It's a Billabong high waisted striped bikini with a retro top.

I go inside the dressing room and take off my shorts and T-Shirt and slip into the bikini.

"Love it!" I think to myself happily.

I take it off and put my clothes back on, I just got paid so I decided that I'm going to get it.

I come out of the dressing room and get in line to buy it.

Just as I am in line, I see a guy in front of me that looks like Logan.

"Logan?" I say hoping that it really is him and not some random person.

"Maya hey!" He says with a happy tone in his voice.

There was just one person in front of Logan, just as it is Logan's turn to pay for his swim suit, he grabs mine from my hands and puts his and my suit up on the registers counter.

"Logan no I'm not letting you pay for my suit!" I say with a nervous tone in my voice.

"Already did" he says happily.

"You didn't have to do that I feel bad that suit was expensive." Thanks Logan I say smiling at him.

"It's no problem I wanted to" Logan says looking me into the eyes smiling back at me.

"Hey do you wanna go with me to a party tonight? A friend of mine is having it down at the beach at 7:00 and I'm gonna need a date." Logan says looking at the ground acting a little shy.

"Yeah I would love to be your date" I say with a small laugh.

"Okay I'll pick you up at your house at 6:30" Logan says with flushed cheeks.

"Sounds like a plan" I say looking at the ground blushing trying to hide my dimples.

Logan hands me my swim suit and says: "see you then cutie" he says smiling his perfect white smile.

"See you soon Logan" I say blushing again. We turn our separate ways.

Until later.

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