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"You ready to head back angel?" Logan says kissing me on the cheek. "Yeah lets go it's starting to get hot". With our hands still interlaced, we start walking back to the beach.

As we walk down the pier a thought comes to my mind. "Why has Logan not introduced me to his parents yet?" I guess I was so lost in thought Logan asked: "babe are you okay? Your so quiet all of a sudden." Logan says with some concern in his voice.

"Oh yeah I'm fine sorry got lost in thought." I say looking out to the ocean. "About what?" Logan says looking at me still holding my hand.

"Well we need to talk about the shark in the room."

"Why haven't I met your parents?"

"It's complicated" Logan says looking down at the sandy boardwalk.

"Logan you can't do that and say something's complicated and not tell me why. Especially when it comes to me not meeting your parents yet."

"Your right I'm sorry babe, I can't keep this from you. You know what we should sit down for this."

Still holding hands we walk over to a nearby bench overlooking the ocean. 

With a deep breath Logan begins.

"My parents aren't home a lot. they travel around the world for their business."

My eyes widen to what Logan tells me. "Are his parents rich?" I say thinking to myself, I didn't want to bring it up I don't want Logan to give away more information until he's ready to. So I keep it to myself.

"Oh wow that's cool" I say in a casual tone. "What is their business?"

"Yeah it's tight" Logan says mirroring my tone, but there was something else behind it as well I can't put my finger on it.

"It's a surf board wax company that they started decades ago, with a little help from their friends."

"Sounds awesome" I say with a more cheery voice. So when do they get home? It's about time that I meet them. I say nudging Logan's arm.

"I'm not sure" Logan says looking away with his hands clasped together in his lap.

Before I could say anything else, Logan says: " "you ready to head back to my place?"

"Oh yeah let's go".

Without another word we get up from the bench and continue to walk hand in hand down the sandy hot pier.

THE TIDENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ