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I awake in the hospital bed with an IV sticking in my arm and my heart monitor silently beeping.

I turn my head to the right and see Logan silently asleep sitting in a chair with his arms folded across his chest.

"Where's dad and Beau?" I think to myself looking about the room.

Still feeling out of it, Logan suddenly takes a deep exhaled breath as he opens his eyes and looks at me his chocolate brown eyes staring into mine.

"Hey beautiful" how are you feeling? Logan says tiredly having just woken up himself.

"I'm okay just a little sluggish" I say with bags under my eyes.

"Your gonna be okay, we'll be out of here soon" Logan says resting his hand on mine and a smile on his tired face his restless eyes melting into mine.

"I hope so I'm tired of being in this hospital bed I miss the water, I miss the salty mist against my skin and the deep smell of the sea in the air. I miss my board underneath my body as the cool ocean touches
my skin. I miss the waves, the energy I just miss...
all of it" I say with a sigh looking up at the white ceiling.

"I know you do it really speaks to you and it's your passion, it's apart of you" Logan says looking at me deeply standing up from his chair, and softly kissing me on the forehead.

""Where's my dad and Beau?" I say breaking the peaceful silence.

"They went home last night and I told your dad that I would stay the night with you." Logan says stroking my messy hair.

"Oh baby you didn't have to do that, you didn't have to stay with me" I say interlacing my hand with his.

"I wanted to I'm not leaving your side until you are better and can leave this hospital" He says before he kisses me passionately.

Just as we are in our own world, my nurse Kelsey walks in.

"Am I interrupting something?" She asks a little awkwardly.

The kiss ends too soon as our heads turn to face Kelsey.

"No you weren't...." I say with an awkward tone in my voice feeling a bit uncomfortable since my nurse just saw me and Logan making out.

"Well I just came to check on you and see how you are doing" Kelsey says a little awkwardly too.

"So how are you feeling today?" Kelsey asks checking my IV.

"I'm actually feeling a lot better I don't feel as weak as I have been, and I'm breathing a lot better on my own." I say confidently sitting up a little straighter in the hospital bed.

"Well you are doing really well I just need to go talk to Dr.Allen to see if you can leave the hospital yet, it should only take a couple of minutes" Kelsey says smiling with her white teeth as she exits the room.

I stare at the walls hoping that I'll be able to get out of here.

Just as I'm in my thoughts, Logan takes my hand in his softly kissing it and says: "we're gonna get out of here I promise" kissing my hand once more.

The silence is broken when Dr. Allen walks into the room.

"Hey Maya I hear that you are doing well today" Dr. Allen says with a soft smile.

"Yeah I'm feeling really good actually" I say smiling back at Dr. Allen.

"Okay well the last thing that we need to do is make sure that you can stand up and walk on your own, before you can get out of here.

"Okay right now?" I say preparing myself to get out from underneath the covers.

"Yes we're gonna at least try and see what happens" Kelsey responds taking my hand and helping me out of bed.

My feet dangle over the side of my bed before my feet touch the white tiled floor beneath me.

Still holding on to Kelsey's hand, I decide to let go and try to walk on my own.

I let go of her hand and take slow steps toward the window.

I make it over to the window and look out to see waves peacefully crashing onto the shore.

With a deep breath I turn around and walk back to the bed a little better than the first time.

I make it back to the bed and sit down. "How did I do?" I ask a little anxiously.

"You did good I'm impressed I think that you are ready to leave the hospital" Dr. Allen says with a happy tone in his voice.

"I'll start getting ready to discharge you" Kelsey says smiling as she walks out of the room.

"You are strong Maya that's why you have healed and are leaving the hospital today" Dr Allen says with a light smile patting me on the shoulder.

He smiles one last time before walking out of the room.

"See I told ya that we were gonna leave today" Logan says kissing me softly on my forehead.

"Yep you were right" I say before my lips land on his as the soft waves crash onto the morning shore.

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