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A couple hours later I was discharged from the hospital and Logan took me home.

Logan pulls up the driveway and stops the car before taking the keys out of the ignition.

"I'm so glad to be home" I say with a sigh of relief looking over at Logan.

"I'm glad your home too" Logan says sweetly before kissing me softly on the lips.

Logan comes around and helps me out and slings my backpack over his shoulder.

We walk up to my front door, Logan letting me go first and then following behind me.

"Maya!" Beau says jumping up from the couch running over to me giving me a hug.

Beau then turns to Logan and gives him a hug Logan bending down a little to reach him.

"Thanks for bringing my sister home I missed her" Beau says smiling up at him with his cute missing teeth smile.

"Of course Beau I'm glad that I got to do the honors" Logan says squeezing my hand looking into my eyes.

"Beau where's dad?"

"I think he's in the garage"

"Okay thanks bud" with that me and Logan walk hand in hand to the garage leaving Beau in the living room as he turns on the tv.

We walk out the garage door and see my dad working on a surf board he is making.

"Hey dad" I say still holding Logan's hand.

"Hey sunshine so glad your home me and Beau have been waiting for you" my dad says as he pulls me in to a warm embrace.

"Yeah I know he was so excited to see me, he even thanked Logan for getting me home" I say smiling at Logan.

"Awwww that's cute I think Beau's finally warming up to you Logan" my dad says with a chuckle.

"I'm glad he definitely gave me the stink eye for a while" Logan says laughing and putting a hand through his hair.

"So since I'm home and I've gained all my strength back, why don't you say me and Logan go surfing and make a competition out of it and you and Beau can be the judges what do you boys think?" I say with a sly smile looking at them both.

Lucky we both already had our swim suits on since that's just what surfers do.

"Okay your on babe" Logan says smiling big.

"Genius idea me and your mom used to do that when we were young" dad says smiling softly looking at the ground.

"Okay well let's grab our boards and go!" I say with excitement.

"Logan you can just borrow one of our boards, and dad go tell Beau he'll be so stoked" I say looking up at Logan interlacing my hand in his.

"Okay I'll go get him get your boards and put em in the back of the truck" dad says smiling before he walks back into the house.

I grab one of my favorite boards and hand Logan one of my dads that I think would be best for him.

"Okay I think this would be a good one for you" I say reaching up and grabbing it from the shelf.

"Agreed you know me so well" Logan says with a chuckle before putting his lips on mine.

We pick up our boards and put them in the back of the truck ready to go.

"You guys ready?" My dad says walking down the garage door steps holding Beau's hand.

"Yeah we are!" I say as we climb into the truck.

I hop in the front seat and Logan gets in the back with Beau.

Dad puts the keys into the ignition starting up the engine, the truck making a deep rumbling sound before dad backs out of the driveway.

A couple of minutes later we get to the beach and pull into the closest parking spot we could find.

We all hop out me and Logan opening the bed of the truck and grabbing our boards.

Putting our boards under our arms, we walk and interlace our hands together as Logan kisses me on my forehead.

Dad takes Beau's hand and we head for the beach.

It was overcast today which means there would be good waves.

We walk down the long concrete steps and make it to the bottom.

We find a good spot and dad lays out a towel for him and Beau to sit on and me and Logan wax up our boards.

"Okay you guys ready?" Dad says as he gets out two notebooks and pens for him and Beau.

"Let's do this" I say looking up at Logan.

"Let the best surfer win" Logan says winking at me.

"Your on" I say before we start walking down to the shore.

Once we get deep enough we begin to paddle out side by side.

We duck dive in sync and pop up to the surface before finding the perfect place to sit and wait for a wave.

It's quiet as we both look out into the distance looking for any sign of a wave coming.

I see a wave starting to form and paddle out as fast as I can wanting to catch it before Logan does, he's my boyfriend and I love him but I want to redeem myself even though this wasn't a real competition.

I stand up and start riding the wave, feeling like I've just won the lottery.

I haven't felt this alive in a long time and I couldn't be happier.

I wipe out and come back up to the surface with a smile on my face knowing that I just rode my first come back wave since coming home.

The next thing I know Logan is up and riding his first wave.

He's so talented he always tells me I'm gifted but he is a master of the waves.

After a good hour we start to paddle back in excited to see who won this thing.

We make it back to the shore our boards in hand and walk over to my dad and Beau.

"That was sick!" Beau says with a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah you guys killed it out there!" My dad says high fiving us.

We set down our boards before dad gives us the results.

"Okay you guys ready? Drumroll! my dad says with the notebook in hand as Beau excitedly does the honors.

"Maya wins with ninety points and Logan with eighty eight points!" Dad says like he's an announcer on a game show.

"No way! Damn I actually can't believe I beat Logan" I say jumping up and down.

"Good Job babe!" Logan says lifting me up as his lips collide with mine.

Logan puts me back down looking into my eyes as we almost forget that my dad and Beau are standing there watching us.

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