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Maya's POV

I wake the next morning feeling like I had won the lottery. But instead I won a kiss with a guy that I was crazy about.

It felt like a dream that had come to life and I was living it.

"I'm so glad I went surfing that morning, if I didn't I would have never met him" I think to myself having anxiety at the thought.

Laying in bed lost in my emotions and thoughts, I hear my phone ding.

It's Logan.

My heart nearly leaping out of my chest seeing his name on my screen.

"Good morning gorgeous"

Okay if my heart wasn't pounding out of my chest before, it sure is now.

"Hey handsome man" I text back biting my lip so hard that I draw a little blood.

"Do you want to go night surfing with me tonight?"

I read Logan's message so excited and love struck, that I almost fall out of my bed.

"Sounds good to me" I text him back smiling uncontrollably.

"Then it's a date"

At this point my face hurts from smiling so much, and I feel a kind of happy that I've never felt before.

Logan's POV

I lay in bed smiling at the plans that had just been made, feeling like I've just hit the jackpot.

Lost in my thoughts I remember that I needed to go get some groceries.

With a sigh I get up from underneath my covers feeling the morning breeze of the AC, since I'm only in my boxers.

I go to my dresser and pick out a pair of shorts and grab a tank top that was laying on my bedroom floor.

I slip on my favorite pair of flip flops, grab my wallet and head for the stairs.

No one was going to be home tonight my parents went on vacation for a couple of days. They needed a break and just needed to get away.

So it was just me and almost an empty house.

I walk out my garage door to my car parked in the driveway.

I start up my Jeep and back out of the driveway and get onto the road.

As I'm driving Maya comes to mind.

She's all I've been thinking about since the day we met on that beach.

I'm crazy about her and that's not going to go away, and it's only gotten stronger.

I make it to the store and find a place to park.

"Let's get this over with" I think to myself with a deep sigh.

Maya's POV

"I should get up and go tell dad the plans for tonight" thinking to myself with excitement.

I get out of my bed, my bare feet touching the ground as I stand up.

I open my bedroom door and go downstairs to find my dad already at the kitchen table.

"Hey good morning dad" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning sunshine sleep good?" My dad says with a warm smile on his scruffy bearded face.

"Really good actually" I say smiling going to the pantry.

"So how did the date go last night?" My dad questions curiously.

"It was good"

"Okay how was it really?"

"Okay fine it was freaking amazing!" I say happily that I'm almost skipping to the table with my bowl of cereal in hand.

"Good I'm happy for you sunshine, he treated you like a princess though right? Or else I'm going to have to have a serious conversation with him." My dad says folding his arms.

"Trust me dad he did you have nothing to worry about." I say blushing.

"Okay I trust your judgment" dad says rubbing my arm.

"Where's Beau?" I say with my mouth full.

"He went to breakfast with a friend of his and his family. Apparently, their cooler than his old man" my dad says with a chuckle.

"No ones cooler than you dad" I say patting him on the back.

"Yeah, yeah your just saying that to make me feel better" he jokes.

"Maybe" I say laughing as I put my bowl in the sink.

"Any plans today?" My dad asks with a small laugh.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot to tell you, I'm going night surfing with Logan." I say trying to hide my flushed cheeks.

"Just you and him?" My dad looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"Yep just us" I say biting my lip hoping and praying that he would allow it.

"Okay that's fine just please be safe night surfing can be very dangerous. And I'm sure Logan's aware of that correct?" My dad says with a more serious tone in his voice.

"Yes he's been many times he knows what he's doing, you have nothing to worry about." I say looking at him in the eyes with a light smile.

"Okay good just keep in touch with me so I know where you are, don't forget this time" he says looking at me with a pointed finger and his eyes squinted.

"Okay I won't this time I promise" I say looking him in the eyes so he knows I'm serious.

"Okay it's been fun but I'm going to go shower thanks for letting me go out tonight dad, I appreciate it" I say giving him a hug and a kiss.

"Your welcome sunshine" go take your shower now I'm going to go pick up your brother from the restaurant be back soon. Dad says giving me a hug and kiss on my forehead.

With that I head upstairs to shower.

"I'm so excited for tonight" thinking to myself as I get in the shower.

Logan's POV

I get home from the store and bring in all the groceries and set them on the counter.

"Now I have to put all these groceries away" thinking to myself along with a tired sigh.

After I get done putting away the groceries I go upstairs to shower.

I take off my clothes noticing how tan I've gotten. "Damn I haven't been this tan in a while" I think to myself happily while I turn on the water.

As I'm standing there, I start to think about tonight. "Can't wait to see her in action, but this time I'll be with her." My heart speeding up at the thought.

"It's just going to be me, her and the waves" I think to myself as a smile comes across my face in the steamy air.

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