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We make it back to the beach and walk up to Logan's front door. We walk down the hallway to Logan's bedroom. I sit down on the still unmade bed from when we woke. Logan stands quietly by the window, looking out at the ocean.

An awkward tension fills the room we both say nothing.

"I've never seen Logan act like this before" I think to myself trying to think of what to say or do next.

"I feel bad that I'm being so quiet. She doesn't deserve this." Thinking to myself as I try and find something to say to her.

"I just don't want her to run away from me I need her. I can't live without her. Ever since she came in my life I've never felt this much happiness as she has given me."

"I know something's on his mind, I know him like the ocean knows the tide. He'll talk when's he's ready I know he will."

"Okay I just need to be honest with her I can't lie to her she means too much to me, she deserves the truth. Here goes nothing."

With a deep breath I turn to face her. She sits quietly on my messy bed looking at me with her sweet green eyes waiting for me to say something.

"Maya... I need to be honest with you about my parents. I could barley look at her, a wave of fear takes over me terrified of how she would react."

"Whatever it is Logan I support you and I love you very much, I can promise you that I'm not going anywhere." Maya says taking my hand in hers. 

"Her words reassure me and suddenly I'm not scared anymore."

"I take a seat next to her on the bed, my hand still interlaced with hers."

"Earlier when we were at the beach I didn't give you the full truth about my parents because I was scared that I would loose you. I just couldn't bear the thought so I didn't know what to do."

"But I don't want to lie to you because your the best thing that I have in my life, you deserve the truth because your worth everything to me."

"Because my parents travel so much, I hardly see them. And I hardly get to call them either because they are so busy, and they don't communicate that much with me so it's been hard to tell them about you."

"When we first started getting serious I told them about you and how I was falling for you."

"But they haven't had much to say about it. I feel like they just don't care and it's breaking my heart so much because I just want them to know how amazing you are. I need them to know how much you mean to me."

"So I don't know when your going to meet them. It's tearing me apart it's not fair. It's not fair to you."

"I'm sorry you deserve more than this."

"I have everything I need" "Maya says with lust full eyes looking deep into my eyes."

"We begin to kiss each other passionately without a care in the world, as warm rays of sunlight fill the peaceful room."

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