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Maya's POV

I wake early the next day to go surfing to get a little practice in, before later on in the afternoon when the real competition begins.

After a couple hours of successfully catching waves, I head home with a sandy body and salty hair.

"Only a couple more hours until competition" I think to myself nervously.

As I'm walking back home on the sandy sidewalk, my phone rings.

To my surprise it's Logan.

"Hey" I say in a cheery voice feeling my face turn warm.

"Did you go surfing this morning?" Logan says sweetly through the phone.

"Yeah I did I wanted to get some practice in before the competition" I say back a little tiredly.

"Well when you get home I'm sitting in my car outside your house" Logan says with a sexy tone in his voice.

"Well then I'm hurrying" I say with a laugh smiling big now.

With that I start to fast walk down the sidewalk with my surf board tucked under my arm, and my backpack slung over my shoulder.

"See you soon babe" I say through the phone feeling my face turn hot.

"Okay see you soon love" Logan says through deep breaths that I can hear through the phone.

I turn the corner that leads me to my house and see Logan's Jeep parked in the driveway. 

I walk around to Logan's side knocking on the window to get his attention.

Logan nearly jumps out of his skin I scared him so much.

I open the door laughing almost on the ground as Logan just stares at me trying not to laugh himself.

"I'm so sorry I scared you" I say still dying of laughter.

"I'm not going to forgive you until you come here" Logan says looking deeply into my eyes pulling me closer to him.

I climb up in the drivers seat with Logan and sit in between his legs as he kisses my neck.

I wanted this moment to last forever, I could just be in his arms forever like this.

I turn to face him sitting on his lap now, we're so close that our noses are nearly touching.

Logan tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear and places a hand behind the same ear before kissing my lips softly.

"Do you wanna go inside?" I say to Logan our lips still lightly touching.

"Yeah lets go" Logan says looking deeply into my eyes. 

Logan lets me jump out first then he gets out behind me closing the door behind him.

I open my front door and close it behind us, our lips instantly collide again as we stand there in the quiet living room.

I jump up on Logan and wrap my legs around his body, running my fingers through thick light brown hair.

Logan walks over to the couch still holding me.

He places me down on the couch and sits on top of me and begins to kiss my neck.

It sends a wave of goosebumps through my entire body as Logan begins to kiss my lips passionately.

Time seems to slip away from us without us even noticing.

We end up falling asleep on the couch in the same place that we have been.

I ended up on top of him with his arms wrapped tightly around me.

As I am in deep sleep, I find myself fall into a dream.

I was out in the ocean waiting to catch a wave. As I see one forming and begin paddling, a giant wave comes over my head.

As I come up to the surface another one hits me pushing me underneath again.

I come up again and hardly catch a breath until another wave knocks me down once more.

Then everything went black.

I suddenly wake up gasping for air, Logan's arm around me as it dangles off the couch.

After a moment of coming back to my senses after the nightmare I had just had, I realize that the surfing competition is today.

"Shit!" I think to myself in a panic.

I grab my phone to check the time my phone reads 3:30 pm and the competition starts at 4:00 pm.

"Only 30 minutes!" I think to myself as I shake Logan awake.

"Logan wake up! We fell asleep and the competition starts in 30 minutes!" I say frantically.

"Holly shit! How the hell did we fall asleep!" Logan says with a panicked voice.

"I gotta get ready fast!" I nearly fall off the couch as I run up the stairs to my bedroom.

"I frantically open my drawer and find one of my nicer wet suits and start throwing off my clothes.

Exposed to the cool air, I get my wet suit on as fast as I can.

Just as I finish putting it on Logan walks in.

"Wow that was fast are you tryin to win a race or somethin?" Logan says playfully running his fingers through his messy brown hair.

"Feels like it" I say with an out of breath laugh.

I quickly throw my hair up into a ponytail and slip on an easy pair of shoes, and grab my backpack slinging it over my shoulder.

"We should get going and I should call my dad and tell him that we are on our way."

"Yeah lets go I don't want you to be late and get kicked out of the competition." Logan says a little worried.

I didn't think about that if your late for a surfing competition, they'll just start without you and your instantly disqualified.

With that we fast walk down the stairs and call my dad once we reach the bottom of the staircase.

"Hey sunshine where you guys at?" My dad says sounding a little worried.

"Hey dad we're on our way we kind of got side tracked and ended up falling asleep somehow."

"Okay hurry I don't want you to be disqualified you've trained so hard for this, and I don't want you to miss out on any opportunities you can get."

"I know we'll be on time don't worry." I say in a calm voice.

"Okay love you sunshine"

"Love you too see you soon"

With that I hang up and put my phone in my backpack front pocket.

"Okay I need to go grab one of my surf boards" I say running out to the garage.

I grab one of my billabong ones and open up the garage, Logan walking out behind me as I close the garage.

Logan grabs my board from me and puts it in the back seat and climbs in on the drivers side.

"You ready to do this?" Logan says putting a hand on my thigh looking at me with his deep brown eyes.

"I think so we'll see how this goes I guess." I say a little nervously.

"You'll be amazing" Logan says kissing me on the cheek before starting up the engine.

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