Chapter 4

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The full moon is soon. Kira is gonna get Liam here. We found Malia, turns out nothing was wrong it was just her controlling herself so the blood was from hedr. Thank god cause im going crazy. I pull up to the lake house and turn off my car. I get out and walk to the door. I slowly open the door and look around. Everyone is there but Derek. 

I say " Wheres Derek?"

Scott says " I thought he was with you."

I say  " I cant go back out."

I walk over to Liam and hug him as tight as possible without breaking him. 

He says " What am i doing here?"

I say  " We have to lock you  up for the full moon. Liam, your a werewolf. You cant trust them. I promise. "

He looks at me and nods. I grunt in pain and fall to the floor. 

I say  " I I I need to go. Now."

I  grab some chains and start running off. I strap myself down and hook it to the wall. Where is Derek he said he would be here. I feel my eyes glow and the full moon. I listen in and here a lot of people. Liams such a dumb ass. A party great. I hear someone start coming down the stairs.

"Hello? Is anyone down here?"

I growl. I can feel the needs to rip this person limb for limb. I look up to get meeted with Isaac. 

I say " GO, now."

He says " Im here to help. Derek couldnt make it. Now think about happy thoughts."

I close my eyes and think about Malia and Derek and all my friends. I calm down and i now dont have the feeling to kill Isaac. I look up at his while im breathing heavy.

I say " Oh my god. You did it. Thank you so much."

I unstrap myself and hug him. He hugs back and i smile to myself. I did it, i controlled the shift. I dont have to feel the pain of the full moon anymore.  I pull away from him when i see Liam running. Oh shit. I start running after him. I get attacked by the light  things hunters use. Oh god. I fall to the ground next to Liam. i hold my hands over my ears and close my eyes tight. it stops and I look up to see Scott and a man.

Liam says "I don't wanna be a monster."

Scott says "Your not a monster, your a werewolf like me."

I say "You know why we chain ourselfs up every single full moon?"

He says "No."

I say "So we don't kill people. So we keep people safe. We protect them even if we don't know them."

He says "Why would you do that?"

I say "Because I'm tired of seeing innocent people die. I'm sick of having the feeling to kill people. I killed someone once and I cried the whole time. but I couldn't stop. Somewhere inside me I liked it. I never want to experience that again."

I look down and sigh. 

~ Flash back ~

I look  down at what i did. I killed him. My best friend. Ashton Wood. I ripped him to shreds because i kept this from him. Because i thought i could controll it. I cry and cry and cry. Then i see it. Hunters. My dad. I take off but something sharp sticks me in the back. A arrow. I quickly pull it out and run. I run and run and run untill i cant run anymore. Its now daylight. I run home as fast as i can. I climb through the window and change my clothes. I change into pj's, quickly brush my hair, my bloody teeth, treat my wound and climb into bed before my dad gets home. I crawl in bed and cry myself to sleep.


I wake up to my dad walking in my room with a sad look on his face. I know what this is. This is where my acting lessons take place. He walks over and sits on my bed. I sit up and look at him.

He says " Emily, i have some bad news."

I say " What is it dad?"

He says " Ashton was attacked. He didnt make it. Im sorry i know he was important to you."

I say " Was it a werewolf?"

He says " I belive so."

I look down and let tears spill. Real tears, i know im the one that did this and i couldnt stop it. My dad walks out and my mom comes in.

She says " Awe hunny its okay. He's in a better place."

I whisper " You dont understand mom, i did this. This is all my fault. I couldnt stop. I slashed his neck open and i enjoyed it."

I cried into her chest. Im a 14 year old murderer. I killed my best friend. 

~ end of flashback~

I look up with tears falling down my face and Liam holding me. 

He says " Its okay. Shhh"

I say " I was so scared the same thing would happen to you. That i wouldnt be able to control and i would tear you to shreds."

He says " You wouldnt do that Emily, i trust you."

I back myself up.

I say  " I thought the same thing about Ashton. But that didnt stop me."

He says " Emily you wont hurt me."

He walks closer to me and i growl at him telling him to back up. I turn slowly taking one last look at him and walk off into the woods. I cant just leave him for good but just for now. I turn and a arrow fly's past my face. I turn to look where it came from and i see a girl. I look at her and turn my head. She looks dead at me. 

She says " What are you doing out here this late?"

I say " Im going home. I was at a party. What are you doing out here this late. "

She says " Hunting."

I say " Your the girl. The one that took my place."

She looks at me confusing and puts her bow down. 

I say " My father trained you." 

Falling for you ( Teen wolf & Derek Hale )Where stories live. Discover now