Chapter 11

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Rye's P. O.V.

Nervously I sat down on the chair in front of the desk. The chair had uneven legs and wobbled slightly. I frowned as I tried to sit up straight without making the chair rock back and forth.

'Great start of a job interview!' I thought.

"Good afternoon mister... Ryan Beaumont" the guy at the desk said, lazily reading off the application letter. "So, mister Beaumont why should I hire you" he said.

"Well, I can multitask quite a bit, and I can handle crowded places..." I started.

I looked up at the guy, who had already taken out his phone and was scrolling trough it, paying no attention to me whatsoever.

"Yeah yeah, go on" he said with his eyes still glued to his screen.

"... Okay... I can listen quite well and I have clear handwriting..." I continued.

"That sounds pretty neat." he interrupted me. "Now I do have one more question. How do you cope with working together with someone you don't like" he asked, looking my straight in the eyes trough his square shaped glasses.

I started sweating as my mind flashed straight to Andy, more specifically that night at Brooklyns. I didn't want to, but I couldn't stop thinking about him.

"I... Uh... I..." I stammered, trying to focus on the question again. "I can deal with it. I can separate work from personal issues" I said, feeling relieved that I managed to keep a steady voice.

The guy stared at me with a pensive look, and after about twelve seconds he spoke up.

"Allright mister Beaumont you're hired. Contragulations, you're now a waiter at the 'Willys wet wellies' restaurant. You will be working the noon shifts from four till six on Tuesdays and Thursdays and you will dress to our dress code for waiters, no negotiations" he said.

I forced myself a smile. I had a job now, wich meant I could earn money, but it was a shitty one, and I had no working experience. This would be interesting.

Andys P. O. V.

My head was spinning. A thousand questions invaded my mind. My father was alive! Was I imagining this? This couldn't be right. It just didn't seem real.

I clicked open more emails. All messages about how I was growing up, some with photo's of little me attached to it. I read each single one of them.

With each email the messages got less sentimental, as if every time my mum missed him less, and accused him more.

It all seemed to click in my head now. Why I never saw his grave, why she couldn't talk about him, all the pieces fit together now.

I had to find him. I had to meet my father. But I couldn't just leave without any preparation. I had to come up with a solid plan.

I started scanning trough the emails again, looking for every piece of information I could find about my dad. All I found was his name, and that he had an important job, I didn't know what job.

I googled his name, William Fowler. Did you mean 'william flower'? Google asked. I rolled my eyes and ignored it. After thorough research I found his profession: manager of 'Fowler phone services'. I had no idea what that was.

I googled 'Fowler phone services'. All that came up were a bunch of logos and customer service. No location. I slammed my fist on the keyboard out of frustration. 3 hours of searching with no result.

"Andy? What's wrong sweety?" I heard my mother shout from the kitchen.

"Nothing, I eh... The laptop is just being annoying. We should get it updated" I lied.

"Oh, it does? I'll call somebody tomorrow okay?" the answer sounded. I sighed.

That night I couldn't sleep. I was angry, not just angry, I felt furious. I was done with everything.

I was done with my family lying to me. Done with my mother, who kept my father a secret from me. Done with my father, who left my lofe before I even met him. Done with school, that always gave too much work. Done with stupid Ryan who drove me crazy in multiple ways, done with myself, because I felt so lost right now.

That's when I made up my mind. I was leaving tonight. I was going to find my father, and that wasn't going to happen if I stayed here. As quietly as possible I packed a small suitcase.

Fresh clothes for about a week, a toothbrush, my phone and a charger, my earbuds, my notebook and some soap. I grabbed my backpack and the suitcase and threw them over my shoulder.

Just as I was about to leave my room, a picture frame caught my eye. Me and my mother on vacation in Sweden. I didn't have the strength to leave it behind. I stuffed it in my backpack between my books and walked out of the room.

I tip-toed downstairs. The radio was still softly playing.

... 'Cause it's all in the hands of a bitter, bitter man
Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in...

I grimaced at the irony of the song. I opened the door and walked outside. I turned around and stood in the door gap.

I stared at the empty living room, at my home. Was I ready to leave this place? Was this the right decision. The music continued on playing.

... Take a bow, play the part of a lonely, lonely heart
Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
To the world you thought you lived in...

I held my breath and closed the door. I walked away from the house, my house. With quick fats steps so I wouldn't change my mind again. I had made my choice, there was no going back now.

The determination only got stronger when I arrived at the huge building. I didn't know how long I'd be staying here, hopefully not too long. I walked inside the grey hotel and did my best to ignore the curious and jealous looks people were giving me. I had to be carefull not to get robbed here. I walked over to the counter.

"Hi, my name is Andy Fowler, I'd like to book a room" I said. The lady didn't even say anything, she simply scribbled something down in a book and passed me a key. I took it, muttering a 'thank you' and went to my temporary room.

The room looked similar to Jacks room, only smaller. Bland grey walls, a dusty closet and a twin-sized bed with a dirty looking nightstand. Not more than that. There were some things I noticed were strange though.

There was a bag next to the nightstand and a book on one of the pillows. I groaned, it turned out I'd have a roommate.

Almost as if on cue the door opened behind me. I turned around to see who it was. Upon seeing me he got a horrid look on his face, mine probably looked the same. In unison both me and Ryan yelled


Authors note
Cliffhangerrrrrrrrr! Yeah I'm glad we're finally getting somewhere in this book.

I got braces today and they hurt like hell and I can't eat anything even if I wanted to. My top row of teeth can't touch the bottom row and there are these bars wich prevent me from moving my mouth sidewards even in the slightest bit. I can only move my mouth up and down and can't shut my mouth completely... So I'm unable to chew... Great 😑

Anyways I won't bother you with me nagging and whining about it, we're only here for the story😉

See you soon!


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