Never Seen Jacob Like This. (Jacob Seed X Reader)

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I stood by and watched The Father as he spoke with some people after church, when suddenly the church doors were thrown open. A tall man with red hair walked into the room. And not even bothering to acknowledge the people that were speaking with The Father, he went and started his own conversation with him. That's a little rude... I thought to myself, the man looked over at me as if he heard what I was thinking. I quickly looked down at my feet. "Jacob I can't help you, I have things that I need to take care of here. Can't you get John to help?" I heard The Father say. I looked back up at the two of them. So that's his his name...
Jacob sighed. "John said that he's too busy doing whatever he's doing. No one can tell me where Faith is, so she's no help..." I looked down at my feet again and heard The Father sigh. "(Y/n), could you come here for a moment?" I looked back up and saw The Father and Jacob looking at me. "Oh...Of course, what can I do for you Father?" He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. "(Y/n), this is my brother Jacob. He needs help doing some work, would you mind to help him?" I smiled. "I'll do what I can, Father..." I said with a smile. I heard Jacob muttered under his breath but couldn't tell whay he had said. I noticed The Father shoot Jacob a stern look. "Well...come on let's go." Jacob sighed. I looked up at The Father and he smiled down at me. I followed Jacob out the door.
 I got into the passenger seat and watched as Jacob got in the truck.
"So...what do you need help with?" I said as I looked down at my hands. Jacob looked over at me. "Some trees fell down in front of the hospital, John was supposed to help me cut them up so he could take some firewood home at his ranch and I'd take some as well for my place....but it seems like John is too busy somewhere being a bitch so he can get out of doing the work." He said with a quiet chuckle.
He can laugh? He just seems so serious... I thought. "Do you really think he only said he was busy to get out if doing work?" Jacob nodded his head. I laughed. "Geez...I've known John for quite a while, I didn't think he'd be like that." And with that we were on our way...


It's been a few days since I had helped Jacob with cutting those trees. But it seemed like Jacob was nowhere to be found, I couldn't help but wonder if he had fun...I mean if he didn't that's okay. It just kinda feels like he might be avoiding me. I thought to myself. I was getting ready to sit down for a meal when there was a knock at the door. I walked away from the table and opened the door. "Oh, hey John." I said with a smile. "Hey, uh...can I talk to you for a minute?" John said, scratching the back of his neck. I stepped to the side. "yeah, come in." I closed the door behind him. "What do you need?" John put his hand on his forehead. "Are you busy tonight?" I thought for a moment.
"...No...why?" He sighed in relief.
"It's fucking strange (Y/n), I've never seen Jacob like this." I put a hand on my chest. "Is he okay? Did something happen?" John shook his head. "N-no nothing happened it's just that ever since he brought that wood to me, he hasn't stopped talking about you." I was taken aback. Wait, Jacob was talking about me? I thought to myself. "He won't stop coming by the ranch to see if your hanging out with me. And I know that he'd never ask you out. He'd just be to nervous and back out of doing it, so please. If you could just go see him. Maybe take some food and eat with him, it'll probably get him out of my ear." I stood there and blinked at him. "...okay..." I whispered. John put his hands on my shoulders and sighed. "Thank you so much, if you get ready I'll take you to him." I nodded my head. "I'm ready like this, just let me pack up this food."


My grip tightened on the basket as John parked his car. John looked over at me. "Now, I don't know how he'll react to this. I don't even recall him ever dating when we were growing up. So for all I know this could be a whole new experience for him.
I looked down at the basket. "Well, I'd be lying if I said that this was something I'd done before..." John reached over and grabbed my hand.
"Hey, it's okay. Don't be nervous...and if anything goes wrong, you can hold it over my head for the rest of my life." He said with a smile. "Thanks John.." I said looking at the doors. "I guess it's go time. But just so you know, I'm not actually doing this for you John." I gave a small smile. "Okay, I see." John said with a smirk. I opened the car door. I got out and started walking. "It's okay little red, don't be afraid of the big bad wolf." John called out from car with a laugh. I walked through the gates and waved at the men outside of the building as they let me through the doors. When I got in the building everything was quiet, I looked over and saw someone leaned against the wall. "Um...can you tell me where Jacob is?..." I said quietly as I approached them. The name turned around. His face was bruised and he looked sad. "If you go down the hall and head up the stairs. You'll find him at the last door..." I smiled. "Thank you." The man nodded and I went down the hallway. I walked up the stairs and could hear talking. One of the doors opened and The Father walked out. "Hello (Y/n), what brings you here?" He said as he got closer to me. "Oh, I had a lot of fun when I helped Jacob the other day, so I just wanted to stop by for a visit." I smiled and held up the basket. The Father smiled down at me. "That's nice, I'm sure that Jacob will be very happy to see you." He said and walked away. I continued walking and knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard from the other side. I opened the door and saw Jacob looking out of a window. "Hey Jacob." I said shyly. He turned around. "Hey..." Jacob said. He had this look in his eyes that I hadn't ever seen in a man before, is he nervous?... "You're not busy are you?" I said looking down. "N-no I'm not, come in and close the door." I closed the door and sat the basket on his desk. "So what brings you here?" Jacob said, leaning on the desk. "Well there are two reasons that I'm here. One is that I had a lot of fun working with you, and second. John said that you were talking about me...a lot, so I figured that I would bring lunch and visit with you." I said with a nervous smile. I could see Jacobs cheeks turn a little red. "John said that?" I nodded and opened the basket. I hope you don't mind, I only brought peanut butter and jelly sandwiches..." I sighed. "No that's fine. I don't really have much of a preference." Jacob said with a chuckle. I watched Jacob walk to a closet and he grabbed out a chair. "Here, sit." He said, sitting the chair behind me. I sat down and handed Jacob one of the sandwiches.


After food Jacob suggested that he and I go for a walk and that he could show me around the building. After a while of taking in the beauty of the land I turned to Jacob. "So... would you consider this to be a date...?" Jacob stopped in his tracks are paused for a moment. "Uh...I don't know, I didn't really think of that." I looked down at my hands. "It can be if you want." I said quietly. "Well first I'm going to warn you, sometimes I go through episodes and it's not really fun to be around when that happens." He stated. I reached over and grabbed his hand. "That's perfectly fine with me. If I can help you in any way I will gladly oblige." Jacob smiled at what I said. "Jacob! There's a call for you." Someone shouted at us. Jacob sighed and looked down. "Sorry, I gotta take that."  I gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "That's okay, do what you need." I watched Jacob as he walked away but he turned around and walked back. "You know what. I'm always doing stuff for all of them, they can wait this time." Jacob said. I smiled and grabbed his hand again. "Well, what do you wanna do now?"
Jacob looked down for a moment and looked back up. "We could go down to the river and sit around...I just don't know, it's been a long time since I've done this kind of thing...I just don't want to mess it up." I took a step closer to him and placed a hand on his cheek. "Hey, it's okay. You're doing great, you're not gonna mess anything up. And to be honest, I've never been on a real date before..." After I said that Jacob seemed relived. "Well I guess let's just walk and see where the day takes us." Jacob said with a smile.

The End.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been so long since I updated,
I've been working on other books I have now. And there's other things in my life that I was focusing on. But I'm gonna try and update more.

Thank you and have a nice day!

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