Women am I right? (Jacob Seed X Reader)

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(Requested by)

"So now that we're friends, there is someone I want you to meet." The Deputy said, pulling into the Moonflower Trailer park.
"He lives in a trailer park?" Jacob grumbled as he looked at the place,
he scrunched his nose at how filthy the place looked. Chairs and pool floaties strewn all over the place.

"Trust me, he's a great guy. I want all my friends to get along. Even you have to make an effort." She put the car in park and nudged Jacob with her elbow. "Do it." She raised her eyebrows. "For me." She smiled.
Jacob grumbled "Fine."
She opened the car door and walked to the trailer that Sharky lives in. She knocked and stepped back, it was two solid minutes of silence before Jacob spoke.

"I don't think he's home, maybe we should just go and-"
"Who is it? I will shoot, normally I wouldn't be this grumpy. but seeing that you don't mind to interrupt my morning piss, I brought my shotgun to the door. And she ain't to happy this morning." He cracked open the door,
Peering through just above the chain lock. "Oh shit! Dep, I'm sorry. I thought you were someone bad.'

The door closed for a moment, the chain made a clattering noise and the door opened wide. She pulled him into a hug. "I wanted you to meet someone." She smiled. Jacob felt a pang at the sights of her this close to him. Sharky broke the hug and looked at the equally tall figure of Jacob seed.
Holy fuck, is that?" Deputy nodded.
"But don't worry, he's cool."

Sharky raised his eyebrows.
"Is that so?" From their first moments meeting, they knew that they wouldn't get along. Jacob was too serious, and Sharky was too silly.
Deputy looked from Sharky to Jacob.
"Well, how about we give him a Bowshaw introduction?" Sharky shook his head. "No way chicka, she's under repairs right now. Duct tape came loose on me the other day, almost roasted my weenie."

Deputy laughed and nodded her head. "That's alright, well... What do you guys wanna do?" Jacob snapped his fingers. "We could go hunting."
Deputy shook her head. "No, how about fishing?" Sharky smiled.
"I don't mind to go fishing."


'Why can't they just be cool?'
Deputy thought as she watched the two men fishing almost like it was a competition. Sharky always got too excited and scared the fish away.
Jacob gave him a dirty look.
"Can't you just be quiet?"
Sharky shook his head. "I don't think I can. OH FUCK! THERE HE IS!
I GOT HIM! I GOT... He's gone."
Deputy patted Sharky on the back.

"Why don't we go have dinner, we could go to the spread eagle, put on the jukebox." She squeezed his shoulder. Jacob cleard his throat.
"Spread Eagle? Like in Falls End?"
Deputy nodded and turned to Jacob, he couldn't help but notice the way Sharky's eyes scanned her. The way she squeezed his shoulder,
Were they flirting...?

"Hey Dep, can I talk to you for a minute." Jacob said. "What about?"
Sharky asked. Deputy laughed.
"You can't just ask that Sharky, sure.
Stay here for a minute Shark.
They stepped several feet away.
"What is it Jake?" He narrowed his eyes as he stared into hers. A contemplating and scrutinizing expression she'd seen in him a lot before. "I thought you told me you and Sharky were friends?"

She laughed. "We are... Why what's up?" He shook his head. "Nothing, just forget I said anything. Let's go to this restaurant." She laughed. "Well, it's not really a restaurant, it's a bar. But they have food."


The restaurant wasn't much better, Sharky and Deputy joked and had fun. Jacob sat quiet, this is exactly why he liked one on one time with her. 'How can I compete with him? He's a walking ball of energy that knows how to make her laugh'
"You know, I never did get over her.
Because she was too tall, could never jump that high." Deputy laughed in her infectious way and looked at Jacob.

"Did you hear that? It's fucking hilarious." Deputy had two beers already. Jacob nodded his head and tried to look happy. "Yeah, a real riot."
Deputy looked at Sharky. "I gotta get fresh air and talk to Jacob. You stay here alright?" He nodded.
"Sure thing."

Deputy grabbed Jacob's hand and led him out of the building into the cool air. Her cheeks were flushed and her ponytail was a mess. "What's your problem Jacob?" She said. He felt his face get hot. "I like you Deputy, a lot and I've been wanting to tell you-"
The door slammed opened and Sharky was tossed out of the building on to the pavement. "Holy shit Mary! I was just playing." Mary leaned out of the building, grabbing the door and spitting at Sharky. "Well I wasn't having fun and with that game! If you want to play with your dick, you go to your whore aunt down at the Marina!"

Sharky scooted backwards to get away from her. He stumbled to his feet as the door slammed. The sign in
The window was flipped to 'Closed'
"Woah Shark! You shut down the whole place." Deputy snorted and chuckled. "you boys are crazy?"
Jacob looked disgusted at Sharky.
'Why does she hang out with that guy?'
Jacob thought to himself.

Deputy gasped. "I know! Let's go to John's, I've missed him." Jacob nodded and put his arm around her shoulder
And led her to the truck. Sharky followed them, they piled into the truck, Jacob driving and deputy in the
Passenger seat, Sharky sat between them. Sharky fell asleep on the way with his head on Jacob's shoulder.
Jacob nudged him when he parked the car in front of John's Ranch.

"Wake up, we're here."  Sharky raised his head and Jacob could feel a wet spot on his shoulder where Sharky drooled. Sharky waited on Deputy to get out but before he was about to leave Jacob placed a hand on his shoulder. "You go on in Dep, I wanted to talk to Sharky." Deputy shrugged and went in. Sharky turned his attention to Jacob. Jacob scanned his face. "Why are you flirting with Deputy?"

Sharky scoffed. "I am not flirting with her! That's just how we are with each other. I would never go for Deputy, of course she's beautiful... Sweet... Smart. But that's beside the point, I'm cool with just being friends with her.
But why does that concern you?"
Jacob looked angry. "Because maybe I do like her, so would you BACK OFF?"
Sharky jumped. "Dude, cool it. You're kinda scaring me."

Jacob's face softened. "I'm sorry Sharky, I just... This day didn't go how I planned." Sharky smiled. "What do you say we go in there and have a good time?" Jacob nodded. "Sounds good" They got out of the truck and headed towards the house.

When they walked in the house together to a sight neither expected.
John and Deputy wrapped in each other's arms on the couch. They kissed passionately. Jacob's heart dropped. "Brother, how could you?"
The my separated and John ran his hands through his hair before cracking a smile.
"You were right, they totally bought it." Deputy was rolling around in the couch, noiseless laughs issuing from her face contorted in utter hilarity.

"I can't... You should have... Seen the looked on your faces!" She sobered up when she saw the look on Jacob's face. She got up and went over to him.
"You weren't really upset were you?"
Jacob looked so sad, he turned around and ran out of the ranch. She followed, and grabbed his arm.
"Hey! It was a joke." Jacob turned to her. "Well, my feelings aren't a joke!"

Deputy looked bewildered into his beautiful blue eyes. "Your... Your feelings?" Jacob had tears in his eyes,
He wiped them and shook his head.
Deputy grabbed him by the shoulders and pressed her lips to his. His arms wrapped around her and they kissed.
Sharky and John watched trough the window, John shook his head.
"Women... An I right?"
Sharky nodded. "Damn right.."

The End

(Author's Note)

Hey guys!

I just wanted to say that when I got this request I had no idea what to do or how to write it so I went to a great friend of mine and they offered to write it.
So thank you TheVulgarSpecialist
For doing this for me!

Also if you want to have a good laugh go check TheVulgarSpecialist

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