Chapter 5

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An: So this song is a bit different. It's a country song. But this song has a lot of meaning to me. I've been singing this song since I was six. I've known this song for forever and it means a lot to me. This is mine and my fathers song. This song and another song are our songs that'd we'd always sing together. I understand if you don't like country music but I put this because it means a lot to me.

Song: Chicken Fried by The Zac Brown Band.

Lucas's POV

Tomorrow college started. I wasn't ready. Ever since I found out Jungwoo was a hybrid I was nervous. I didn't want to leave him alone, I know how he is alone. I don't have anyone to watch him and I don't think I can take him with me.

I groaned in frustration. I was at work, but Amber and Jay were watching Jungwoo. She volunteered to watch him while I was at work until college started. I wonder what she does with Jay when she goes to work or school. Maybe I'll ask her.

I rubbled my temple and looked at the time. I get to leave in 15 minutes. Someone came in and went start to the drinks and candy. It's was a boy that looked a little older then me.

He had curly silver hair and he was wearing a white Gucci shirt with tight black jeans. He had black boots to match his outfit. His skin was a honey color. Once he was done he came to pay.

He put his stuff on the counter and took out his wallet. "Anything else", I asked him.

"No, this is it", he payed once I told him the price and he grabbed his things before walking out.

My shift was over and I started walking home. Once I reached my apartment I opened the door and was tackled in a hug.

"Welcome back, Lucas", Jungwoo said excitedly. I smiled and patted his head.

"Thanks, Jungwoo. Also thanks Amber and Jay", I said to the couple that was cuddling on the couch.

"Anytime man", Amber replied and sat on the other couch with Jungwoo.

"Hey Amber, what do you do with Jay when you go to school?"

"The school allows Hybrids. The principal of the school has a Hybrid himself and he knows what's it like for them to be home alone. So he allows them to come as long as they stay out of trouble", she responded and I let out a sigh of relief.

I smiled at Jungwoo, "Got that Jungwoo? You can come but stay by my side and stay out of trouble."

He nodded and his little tail wagged as he hugged me. Amber and Jay said good bye and left.

"Let's have some supper, what do you want?" I stood up and we walked into the kitchen.

"Chicken nuggets?" He asked in his soft voice. I nodded and made some chicken nuggets.

~Time Skip~

I woke up my alarm going off and I groaned and turned it off. I stood up and tried to walk to the bathroom with making a noise. But gravity hates me and tripped over my own feet.

I fell and caught myself before standing up and looking at Jungwoo. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw him still sleeping. I got into the shower and did my morning routine.

I went to wake Jungwoo up and he changed into his human form to get dressed. He did his morning routine and I made breakfast. We left the apartment and walked to the college which was 3 and a half blocks away.

We saw Amber with Jay. Amber was with a group of people. We walked over to them.

"Hey, Lucas and Jungwoo", Amber greeted us with a smile on her face. I greeted her and Jay before turning toward the others and greeting them. Jungwoo was behind me, clinging to my arm.

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