Chapter 13

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An: I don't know why I like this song, it's depressing but I really like it. It's really good and it sends a deep message.

Jungwoo's POV

Once Johnny took me to his house he made me a bed on his big couch. I thanked him and curled up in the blankets. I felt the bed move beside me, so I looked over and saw Ten next to me.

"Mind if I lay with you", he asked me with a smile.

"Not at all", I replied with a small smile. I moved so I was cuddled into his chest and his arms were wrapped around my waist. Our legs tangled together and I heard Johnny 'Aww'.

I blushed and cuddled further into Ten. Ten giggled and ran a hand through my hair. It was really relaxing, making me fall asleep.

Johnny's POV

I'm going to kill Lucas.

That's what went through my mind when I found out what he did to Jungwoo. I like the dude but he didn't need to say all those things to him.

I tucked in Ten and Jungwoo before going to my room. I opened my phone and went straight to texting Lucas.

John's Banana:
What the hell did you do to Jungwoo?

Lucas Bieber:
Is Jungwoo with you? Is he alright? I feel so bad for what I did. Tell him I love him.

John's Banana:
He's sleeping with Ten. Now, what the hell did you do to him? When I found him he was sitting against a building. His face was hidden in his legs and he was sobbing while shaking.

Lucas Bieber:
Since its midterms I've been studying, Jungwoo was worried for me. I haven't been eating, sleeping, and living off coffee. He'd try to do something for me but I'd push him away. Then I was in a really bad mood today when he wanted to help me. I kinda snapped at him and called him useless.

John's Banana:
I thought I couldn't want to kill you anymore then I want to, but I do I really do. You're so dead when I see you. How could you call him useless? You have no right to take it out on him! Don't you know his past?!

Lucas Bieber:
No... He never told me.

John's Banana:
His past owner abused him. When he found out about Jungwoo being a Hybrid, he'd take all his anger out on him. He'd call him names and abuse him physically. He eventually threw Jungwoo out and that's when you found him in the pet store.

Lucas Bieber:
Oh god. He probably thinks of me as his past owner. I didn't mean to say those things, I wasn't in the right mind set. I was scared about what would happen if I failed the exams. I didn't mean to take it out on him. I screwed up.

John's Banana:
Damn right you screwed up. Don't bother talking to Jungwoo unless it's to apologize. Avoid him in school for now, I'd be hard for him to face you.

Lucas Bieber:
I promise, but could you help me with my apology? I have something planned.

John's Banana:
I guess so.

I spent the rest of the night talking to Lucas about his apology.

~Time Skip~

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