Chapter 12

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An: So this song is also special to me. My dad and I sing this all the time. It was his favorite song, it was also mine. We'd take turns to sing and we'd just jam out. I miss those memories, now most of them are heart breaking. I just wish things would go back to normal, but I know it won't for a while.

Song: Stitches by Shawn Mendas.

A month time skip
Jungwoo's POV

It's been a month since Lucas and I started dating and I couldn't be happier. He's always putting me first, always cuddling me, telling me loves me, and giving me kisses. I love him and I'm so lucky to have him.

I was watching How to Train Your Dragon while Lucas was working on school work in our room. He's been kind of distant this past week. I can understand why though, it's mid terms.

I understand why he's like this but, he hasn't slept much, he rarely eats, and he's been ignoring me. When ever I try to get him to sleep or eat he just tells me he will later. I'm worried for him, his health is more important then school.

I sighed and stood up. I walked to our room and saw Lucas studying on our bed. His hair was a mess, he had bags under his eyes, and he was surviving off coffee.

I gently walked over to our bed and sat down, I turned my body to face him.

"Lucas, I'm worried for you. You rarely eaten anything in two days, you never come to bed, and you're living off coffee", I told him.

He looked at me before looking back at his computer, "So? Just go back to watching your show Woo."

I sighed and moved behind him, I gently placed my hands on his shoulders to give him a massage.

He roughly pushed my hands away, "Jungwoo, go away." His voice was harsh, it made me whimper and backed away.

He looked at me again, angry clearly in his eyes, "Get out Jungwoo! Just leave me be!"

I flinched as he started yelling, "All you're good at is bothering people and being a coward! Maybe Kun was right about Hybrids. They are useless and don't do anything. Just depend on their owner for everything", he finished.

I started shaking at the memory of Kun, and I shook more when Lucas said these things. The reason I'm so shy is because I had an owner before. They treated me horribly when they found out I was a Hybrid.

I got up and ran out of the room back to the couch. I curled up in the blanket we always cuddle in and I continued watching my show. I tried not to let it get to me, I knew he was just stressed from school. It still hurt me.

~Time Skip~

I started getting hungry, I haven't eaten supper yet. I debated weather I should ask Lucas, but decided to do it myself.

I got up from the couch and went to grab the milk. I reached up and grabbed the cereal and a bowl. I poured the cereal and milk in the bowl before moving to the table.

As I was walking to the table, I accidentally dropped the bowl, making it shatter everywhere. The milk and cereal splattered everywhere.

I panicked and dropped to my knees, I knew Lucas was going to be mad at me. This happened when I was with my old owner.

I pushed my ears to my head and my tail tucked the best it could, making me look small. I heard the door slam open and Lucas stomped into the kitchen.

He looked at what happened before looking at me, "Jungwoo! I'm trying to study and your making a mess!" His voice made me flinch hardly.

He started picking up the mess while I backed up against the wall. He looked back at me, "Another thing that makes you useless. You can't even make a bowl of cereal without making a mess! Is there anything you can do without being annoying?!"

His voice only made me shake harder. I looked at him again and he realized what he just said. He looked at me with worry and regret, he started walking toward me, making me to try and back away.

"Jungwoo I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm just really stressed, I didn't mean anything I said", he said. I shakily stood up and tried to run away from him. He ran after me but I ran out of the apartment.

I ran onto the sidewalk and just ran away as fast I could. I heard him running after me and him screaming my name, but I didn't look back. I just kept running until I couldn't.

I stopped by the side of building and sat down. My ears were flat against my head and my head in my legs. I sat there cried while still shaking.

I thought Lucas would be different from my last owner, but their all the same. They take all their problems out on me, making me feel weak.

I heard foot steps approach me, "Jungwoo?" I looked up and saw Johnny and ten above me.

"What are you doing here? Where Lucas", his voice was full of concern. I continued to shake at the name of Lucas.

"H-he yelled at m-me and c-called me u-useless", I sobbed and I felt Johnny pick me up. I held onto him tightly and cried into his shoulder.

"You're coming with us", he told me as he took Ten's hand into his own and walked to his house with me.



Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. *Nervous laugh* Don't forget to vote and comment on my stories! Love you Wolfies! 💕

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